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2. more than enough 太, 过于

too… to… 太...... 以致于不能

tool [tu:l] n. any instrument such as an axe, hammer, etc. which is held in the hands 工具

tooth [tu: ]  n. (pl. teeth) one of the white things in the mouth with which we bite our food 牙齿

top [t p] n. the highest part or point 顶部, 最高处

adj. highest 顶上的; 最高的 on top of 在......的上面

total [‘t utl] adj. complete, whole 总的; 完全的; 整个的

n. complete amount 总数

touch [t t ] v. 1. to leave no space between; to put one's hand, fingers, etc. on or against something 碰到, 接触; 触摸


3. (表示钟点)在......之前

to one's astonishment 令某人吃惊的是

to one's surprise 令某人惊奇的是

to one's delight 令某人高兴的是

to the point 中肯; 扼要

tobacco [t ‘ba:k ] n. the dried leaves of a plant which people smoke in pipes and cigarettes 烟草; 烟叶

today [t ‘dei] adv. & n. this day 今天

together [t ‘ge  ] adv. in the same place ; in company with 共同; 一起

toilet [‘t ilit] n. a place where there is a lavatory and a place to wash 盥洗室; 厕所

tomato [t ‘ma:t u] n. (pl. tomatoes) a kind of soft, round, red fruit 西红柿

tomorrow [t ‘m r u] adv. & n. the day after today 明天

ton [t n] n. a large measure of weight (重量单位)吨

tongue [t  ] n. the part of the mouth which helps you eat, speak and taste 舌头; 舌  mother tongue 母语

too [tu:] adv. 1. also; as well 也, 还


2. 表比较间接关系


2. having had too much of  厌倦的

title [‘taitl] n. the name of a book, painting, etc 标题; 题目

to [tu:, tu,] prep. 1. in the direction of; towards 向; 到


2. the end of something 梢; 末端;尖端

v. give tip to sb. 给小费

tire [‘tai ] v.make or become weary, in need of rest, or uninterested 使疲劳

tired [‘tai d] adj.1. in need of rest 疲乏的


2. a container made of  this metal to preserve food (保藏食物的)罐头

tiny [‘taini] adj. very small 很小的

tip [tip] n. 1. a small amount of money you give to a waiter, porter, etc. 小费


2. from one end or side to the other 通过; 穿过

throughout [ ru(:)’aut] prep. right through; through or in every part 从头到尾; 自始至终

prep. through or in every part of 遍及; 贯穿

throw [ ru:] (threw, thrown) v. to send through the air 投, 掷, 抛, 扔

throw at 向......扔去

throw away 扔掉

throw up吐出(食物); 呕吐

Thursday [  :zdi]  n. the fifth day of the week 星期四

thus [  s] adv. in this way; in the same way; so 如此; 这样; 因而

ticket [‘tikit] n. a small piece of paper which shows that you have paid for something 票; 券

tidy [‘taidi] adj. neat; clean; with everything in the right place 整洁的; 整齐的

tie [tai] n. a long piece of cloth with which men wear round the neck with a shirt 领带

v. to make a knot, to fix with rope or string (用带、绳、线等)系, 拴, 扎, 缚

tiger [‘taig ] n. a fierce wild animal like a large cat 虎

tight [tait] adj. & adv. not loose; fixed well; fitting closely 紧的; 牢固的; 紧贴的 (反义词) loose

till [til] prep. up to 直到......为止

conj. up to the time when 直到......为止 (till基本上与until相同, 但句首一般不用till,  而用until)

time [taim] n. 1.时间; 一段时间; 2.时期; 3. 时刻; 钟点 4. 次; 回

v. 测定...... 的时间; 记录......的时间

all the time 一直; 始终

at the same time 同时

at a time 每次; 一次

at one time 以前; 曾经

from time to 间或; 时常

have a good time 玩得很高兴; 过得很愉快

in time 及时

on time 准时

time and time again 多次; 不断地

in modern times 现代; 近代

tin [tin] n. 1. a white metal 锡


3. because of 由于; 因为

adv. 1. the way to some place 到底


2. from beginning to end (指时间)从头到尾


3. to have opinion 认为 think about 考虑(是否去做) think of  想起 thinking

n. 思索; 见解; 想法

third [  :d] num. next after the second 第三

thirsty [‘  :sti] adj. wanting to drink 渴

thirteen [  :’ti:n] num. the number 13 十三

thirty [‘  :ti] num. the number 30 三十

this [ is] adj. & pron. the one here 这; 这个

those [  uz] adj. & pron. 那些

though [  u] conj. in spite of the fact that; although 虽然; 尽管

thought [  :t] n. the act or way of thinking; an idea or opinion 想法; 思想

thousand [‘ aus nd] num. the number 1000 一千

thousands of 成千上万的

thread [ red] n. very thin string made of cotton, silk or wool used with a needle  线; 棉线; 丝线; 毛线

three [ ri:] num. the number 3 三

through [ ru:] prep. 1. from one side to the other (指空间)穿过; 通过

