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2. a feeling of emotional or mental pain that you get when

someone says or does something unpleasant to you

(感情上的)痛苦,  (名誉的)损伤.

vt.  1. to injure someone, especially by making a cut or hole in their

skin using a knife, gun etc.  使受伤,伤害


4.Would you...? used to express a polite request

(语气委婉) 愿

would rather 宁愿...

wound[wu:nd] n. [C] 1. an injury, especially a cut or hole made in your skin by a

weapon such as a knife or a bullet.  伤口,创伤


3.used instead of "will" with a past tense verb or to show

what is likely or possible  (表推测) 大概


2. used to describe what someone used to do a lot or what

used to happen a lot  过去,常常,习惯


2.to a lower standard or quality or less successfully  更低,更差

n.[U] something worse  更坏的事

from bad to worse  越来越糟

ant. better

worst['w :st] adj.[the superlative of bad] (only before now) worse than anything

else of the same kind or worse than at any time before


n. the worst: the person, thing, situation, state, part etc that is

worse than all others of the same kind or worse than at any time

before  最坏者

adv. [the superlative of badly] most badly 最坏地

v. [T usually passive] to defeat someone

in a fight, competition, or argument  击败,胜过

worth[w : ]  adj. be worth. to have a value in

money.  值...的, 有...的价值的.

be worth doing  ...值得...

It's worth doing sth.  做某事是值得的.

It's worth sb's while to do sth.  值得某人做...

syn. value

ant. worthless(无价值的)

would[wud] v.[modal verb] 1.used instead of "will" to describe what someone has said,

asked etc 将要(过去)


1. in a more severe or serious way than before  更坏,更糟


2.[comparative of ill] more ill them before (病情)更重的.

adv. [comparative of badly]


2. [U] the feeling of being anxious about something  担心,扰虑

worry about  为...而担心

worse[w :s] adj.  1.[the comparative of bad] not as good as someone or something

else or more unpleasant or of a lower standard

坏, 更差,更恶劣.


2.make sb. anxious  使某人担扰

n. 1. [C] a problem that you are anxious about or are not sure how to

deal with  烦恼,心烦


2.[U] something that you produce as a result of doing your job or doing

an activity. 成果,产品

at work  在工作

out of work  失业

work hard at  努力学习

work out 算出,解决

worker n. 工人

workable  adj. 可使用的,可操作的

workforce n. 劳动力.

workmate  n. 同事,工友.

works n. 作品,著作

world[w :ld] n. our planet/everyone on it 地球

syn. earth

adj. existing in or affecting the whole world 世界的

world famous  世界著名的

worldwide['w :ldwaid] adj.  世界范围的

worry['w ri] v. 1. v. be anxious  担心,担扰,发愁

