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30. -Excuse me, could you tell me where the theatre is?

-OK. Look, between the two white buildings _____ the theatre.

A. are lying           B. lie               C. lies              D. lay


29. -What did the miner say after he was rescued?

-He would never forget his stay there _____ he and other 152 miners had a terrible experience.

A. that              B. when            C. which            D. where


28. Although the official didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who he _____.

A. refers to           B. had referred to      C. has referred to      D. was referring to


27. Working at home, which one could hardly imagine, has been made _____ with the development

of computer technology.

A. possible           B. it possible         C. possibly          D. to be possible


26. Earthquakes _____ be dangerous, if you are in the wrong place.

A. need              B. shall             C. can              D. would


25. The past year has been successful and, _____ ahead, we expect to do even better in the coming


A. looking            B. to look               C. look             D. looked


24. Sales slow down after the Spring Festival, but we are expecting things to _____ again this

coming May Day.

A. take over           B. pick up           C. come over         D. go up


23. -Does he still play QQ’s “Happy Farm” ?

-Now that he is back in school, he rarely has _____ to the Internet.

A. way              B. access            C. key              D. chance


22. Betty received $12.5million for _____ title role in the film Catwoman, _____ $100 million


A. a; a              B. a; the            C. the; a            D. the; /




例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.

A. however          B. whatever          C. whichever         D. whenever


21. -Oh, sorry. I’ve just stepped on your newly-bought dress.

- _____. It’s no big deal.

A. Don’t worry about it                   B. Don’t mention it

C. Go ahead                            D. I bought it yesterday

