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34.-How do you usually find out about new software?

    -In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’s     computer companies usually advertise.

    A.which         B.where         C.what          D.why


33.     the address, Tom sent the email to his teacher.

    A.Having checked  B.Checked        C.Being checked   D.To check


32.They all wanted to stop working because they were tired, but    of them would say sl.

    A.any           B.some          C.none          D.neither


31.    Hard you may try, you can’t possibly persuade Tom to give up smoking, for he is so addicted to it.

    A.Whatever       B.However       C.Whichever      D.Whenever


30.Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers      to her mother on her birthday.

    A.send           B.sent           C.sending        D.being sent


29.It’s not easy to learn English well.    as much as possible is necessary.

    A.Having read     B.Read          C.Reading        D.To have read


28.-Peter, would you like a beer to go with your meal?

    Gure, it      .

    A.ordered        B.was oredred     C.has been ordered  D.has ordered


27.Oct.1st,     is our National Day, is always celebrated with singing and dancig.

    A.as            B.that           C.when          D.which


26.Young people go to college with the expectation that     educated people get a higher pay.

    A.good          B.better          C.best           D.the best


25.Only when Tom fully recovered     back to work.

    A.did he go       B.he went        C.had he gone     D.he had gone

