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29.----See? Only ten dollars for such a nice tie?


A .I’ll see it   B.I’ll take it   C. It’s really cheap  D. It’s really good


28. The teacher is much kinder to the top students, ______ makes the others unhappy.

A. that      B. which     C. when      D. who


27. Too much work and too little rest ____ to his illness.

A . causes    B. forms      C. leads      D.makes


26. Some experts demanded that children _______ time for sleep and play.

A. give     B. should give   C. would be given  D. be given


25.This type of jewelry is ______, so you’d better buy some as soon as possible.

A.valueless    B.worthless    C. high      D. priceless


24._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A.As      B.It       C.That     D.Which


23. Father went to his doctor for _____ about his heart trouble.

A. an advice   B. advices    C. advice    D. some advices


22.He is one of the teachers who _____ English but the only one of the teachers who _____ French in our school.

A. know … knows      B. knows … know 

C. knows… knows      D. know … know


第一节 单项选择(共15小题,满分15分)

21. Your composition is fairly well done _______ some spelling mistakes.

A. except    B. besides    C. except for    D. but



Directions: In this section, you will hear 6 conversation between two speakers. For each conversation there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter(A,B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation twice.

Conersation 1

1、Where are the man and the woman?

A. In the airport.  B. In the railway station.  C. In the company office.

2、When does the train leave for Montreal?

A. At ten to nine.  B. At eight fifteen.    C. At ten past seven.


3、What’s the relationship betweeen the two speakers?

A. Manager and secretary. 

B. Shop assistant and customer. 

C.Housewife and cleaner,

4、What are they talking about?

A. A new cleaner.  B. A new kind of floor.  C. A new product made of metal.


5、What’s going on between Colin and Gary?

A. They had a fight. 

B. Colin was angry with Gary. 

C.Gary taught Colin a leason.

6、What will Colin do when talking about giving advice to Gary?

A. He won’t give any advice to Gary.  

B. He will continue giving advice to Gary.

C. He will give advice to Gary in a proper way.


7、How long will the woman be away?

A. For 30 minutes.    B. For one hour.    C. For two hours.

8、What will Billy do after the woman comes back?

A. He will also be away.   

B. He will visit his mother.  

C. He will meet the boss.

9、Who will buy a gift on Mother’s Day?

A. Only the woman.  B. Neither of them. C. Both of them.


10、What is the woman’s hobby?

A. Fishing    B. Collecting stamps.   C. Taking photographs.

11、What do we know about the man’s family?

A. His father likes decorating his home.   

B. His mother likes going to the gym.

C. Everyone in his family has three bobbies.

12、Who likes playing the piano?

A. The man.  B. Lisa.  C. Alan.


13、Why can’t the woman eat the ice-cream?

A. Because she’s on a diet. 

B. Because she doesn’t like the kind.

C. Because she’s eating something else.

14、What kind of person is the woman?

A. She’s fond of eating.   B. She’s easy to persuade.  C. She’s strong-minded.

15、How many people are mentioned in this dialogue?

A. Two.     B. Three    C. Four.

SectionB(7.5 points)

Directions: In this section, you will listen to a mini-talk.  Fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in the blanks with no more than three words. You will have the mini-talk TWICE.

in 16. _______ New York
13 kinds of camps: 5 meant to develop campers’ 17. ______, 8 meant for the sport.
The camp begins on 18.________
Help children 19. _______ and build confidence that they neeed to perform well 20. _______ others.

