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35.- Could you put off the meeting ?

-    . This is the only day everyone is available.

A.No problem     B.Not really       C.It depends      D.It’s up to you


34.If you are unable to attend the interview, for     reason, you should inform us immediately.

A.whatever           B.whichever       C.whose      D.which


33.- Why are there so many people in your village graduating from university?

- In no family     little about the children’s education.

A.care the parents                       B.the parents do care

C.the parents care                          D.do the parents care


32. When travelling in buses or trains, we are likely to have conversations _____ we give information or opinions about different things.   

   A. where       B. which         C. what          D. when


31.    a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of the university.

    A.Not giving                      B.Not having been given 

    C.Having not given              D.Having not been given


30.--- Have you heard that Jones, along with her parents,    to Hainan for the winter vacation?

   --- Really? No wonder I haven’t seen her these days.

    A.had been     B.have been    C.has gone     D.have gone


29.There’s growing unrest among the poor and unemployed. The media points out that it’s the government that should have a lot to ________.

     A. answer for           B. stand for         C. go for               D. care for


28.The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing _____  have attracted the government's attention.

    A.solving      B.solve      C.solved     D.to solve

