0  266158  266166  266172  266176  266182  266184  266188  266194  266196  266202  266208  266212  266214  266218  266224  266226  266232  266236  266238  266242  266244  266248  266250  266252  266253  266254  266256  266257  266258  266260  266262  266266  266268  266272  266274  266278  266284  266286  266292  266296  266298  266302  266308  266314  266316  266322  266326  266328  266334  266338  266344  266352  447090 

35. Now that energy prices are rising so rapidly, further prices are very uncertain,

and the risk ________ a new investment depending on them may fail is greater.

A. by which    B. of       C. that       D. in that


34. –Does it matter if I give it up this time?

- It ____if you do. You won’t have ______chance.

   A. does; the other           B. does ; second 

C. does matter; another         D. does matter; the other


33. – ________, isn’t it?

– Yes, a bit cold, though.

A. It’s cold    B. Bad weather   C. Freezing     D. Nice day


32. The bullet hit him in the left shoulder- ________ he should have been killed.

  A. being a little lower, or       B. if a little lower, and

  C. unless a little lower, or       D. a little lower, and


31. One will probably lose his way while wandering around the shopping mall, in

spite of the signs ________ the way.

  A. pointed    B. pointing    C. having pointed   D. to be pointing


30. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they

________ of cold and hunger.   A. would     B. will die     C. would be dead   D. would have died

