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  A、运行的线速度越小;     B、运行的角速度越大;

  C、运行时向心加速度越大;    D、运行的周期越小。


2、地球质量大约是月球的81倍,宇宙飞船在通过月地之间某位置时,月球和地球对它的引力刚好平衡,飞船与地球的距离为R1 ,与月球的距离为R2 ,两距离之比R1 :R2为:

  A、1 : 27 ;  B、1 : 9 ;    C、1 : 3 ;  D、9 : 1 。


1、一只小船在静水中的速度为3m/s,现要渡过宽度为 30m的小河,若已知河水的速度为4m/s ;则下列说法中正确的是:

  A、船无法渡过河去;     B、船渡河的实际速度为5m/s ;

  C、船不可能垂直到达对岸;    D、船渡河的时间可能小于10s。










生词:图标 chart

   Recently our school has conducted a survey among the student about how parents treat their children.                         



W: Didn’t you and Oliver go to the football match last weekend?

M: Oliver did, but I was attending an important meeting in New York.


W: Don’t you know that you are an hour late?

M: I’m terribly sorry, Joan. My car broke down on the way and I got so dirty trying to repair it. I had to go home to change my clothes.


W: Did you hear that Susan’s plane is caught in snow in New York?

M: I suggested that she take a train. But she wouldn’t listen.


W: OK, Nick, it’s your turn to do the washing-up.

M: I’ll be there. I want to finish watching the news.


W: You didn’t go to Georgia’s dinner party last night. How come?

M: I had already accepted another invitation before she told me about her party.

W: She was really disappointed. She was looking forward to seeing you.


M: Hi, Mary Smith! I haven’t seen you for ages. How have you been?

W: John, John Brown! It has been a long time, hasn’t it? It must be at least a year.

M: No, we talked at Johnson’s Christmas party last December. Don’t you remember?

W: That’s right. Well, how are you? Still working for the food company?

M: No, I changed my job about three months ago. I’m in the National Bank now. How about you?

W: I’m still teaching at the university, but I moved from the German department to the Spanish department.

M: Don’t tell me you speak Spanish, too.

W: Sure, I grew up in Spain, you know. German was what I studied in college, but my Spanish is much better.

M: All I’ve managed to learn is a little Chinese.

W: Well, how is your family? Are the children all in school now?

M: No, Billy is still at home. Tom is in the third grade and Jane’s in the second.

W: Our two children haven’t started school yet either. But Sue will go in the fall.


W: I suppose you’ve heard about John?

M: No, has something happened to him?

W: Nothing bad. He got the new position that he applied for last year.

M: In London? Great! He has hardly talked about anything else since he put in for that post. When will he leave?

W: Next Sunday.

M: You mean a week from tomorrow?

W: That is right. I’m having a going-away party for him on Friday evening. I hope you can make it.

M: I’ll sure try. Now that he is going to be living in London, I might finally get the chance to visit over there. I hope he finds a big flat with an extra bedroom.


M: Ted Harris.

W: Ah, it’s Diana Shaw.

M: How are things?

W: Fine.

M: I’m ringing about Mr. Welborn’s visit. Has he arrived?

W: Yes. He arrived yesterday morning. I picked him up at the airport.

M: Ah, have you shown him around the company?

W: Yes, I have. I did that yesterday afternoon.

M: And he’s met the marketing manager?

W: Yes, they met in the morning and they had lunch together.

M: Right, how about the meeting with the quality manager? Have you arranged the meeting?

W: No, I’m afraid not. You see, Mr. Smith wasn’t in his office yesterday. I’ll do that as soon as I can.


W: What are you reading, Paul?

M: Oh, it’s a book about science.

W: Why are you reading on Friday evening?

M: Because I’ve got to write a report this weekend.

W: What are you going to do when you graduate?

M: I’d like to get a job abroad, I think. What are you going to do when you graduate?

W: I’m going to spend a few weeks touring Britain, then I’m going back to Canada, I suppose.

M: What is John going to do?

W: I think he’s going to open a shop of “Pretty Feet” in London. Now he is in Italy. He’s coming back tomorrow. By the way, what are you and Sue doing on Saturday evening?

M: We haven’t decided yet. Why?

W: Well, I thought we could cook another of our famous suppers and invite John and Sue.

M: Oh, no! Sorry, Barbara, but I really have to read this book.


Eric Clapton is one of the most successful rock stars of all time. He has sold millions of copies of his records and has appeared in concerts all over the world.

Clapton was born in 1950 in a small town near London. When he was only two years old, his mother left him. Eric was brought up by his grandparents. Until he was nine he believed that they were his parents and it was a terrible shock when he found out that they weren’t. But his grandparents treated him well. They paid for him to go to art college. But Eric had already become interested in music and he started playing the guitar in bars and clubs.

Clapton first became famous when he started a group called Cream. He could not only play the guitar and sing but could also write excellent songs. But while on stage he was the brilliant guitar-playing superstar, his private life was falling apart. After his marriage broke down, he started taking drugs.









As we know that, TV plays an important part in our
daily life. It’s quicker and more conveniently to get
information from TV than from newspapers. Providing
us with lively and interesting moving pictures, TV enabled
us not only to see what is happening in the world but
learn many things, included foreign languages. So it
is not reasonable to forbid students to watch TV. And
watching TV too long is not good. Sitting in the front of TV  
all day does harm to our eyes and waste our time for study.
So we should take a correct attitude to students watch TV.

