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35.Not knowing what version of iPad to choose, _____.

    A.some advice was given to Barbara               B.Barbara had to consult her IT teacher

    C.so Barbara had to consult her IT teacher           D.Barbara's IT teacher gave her some advice


34.It was commanded that the coal mine survivors ____ to the nearest hospital for treatment.

    A.must send     B.be sent       C.would be sent D.should send


33.-What's your plan for this July?

    -I will take a bullet train to Fuzhou for my holiday _____ school ends.

    A.while         B.until          C.unless         D.immediately


32.It seems to some experts that 56.com, youku.com and tudou.com _____ 90% of the video market in this area.

    A.make up     B.put up        C.set up        D.take up


31.-Call me at 5: 30 tomorrow morning.

    -Why that early? I _____ then.

    A.will sleep      B.was sleeping   C.will be sleeping             D.have been sleeping


30.Whenever he worked until midnight, he _____ drink some coffee to get refreshed.

    A.will           B.should        C.must         D.would


29.Don't worry._____ and we will complete the task you assigned to us.

    A.An hour later                 B.In an hour 

    C.After an hour                 D.Another hour


28.A heated debate is under way on _____ Chinese media should use English terms like "GDP", "NBA" and "GSM".

    A.which        B.that          C.whether                 D.what

