0  267597  267605  267611  267615  267621  267623  267627  267633  267635  267641  267647  267651  267653  267657  267663  267665  267671  267675  267677  267681  267683  267687  267689  267691  267692  267693  267695  267696  267697  267699  267701  267705  267707  267711  267713  267717  267723  267725  267731  267735  267737  267741  267747  267753  267755  267761  267765  267767  267773  267777  267783  267791  447090 

35. The magazines are not allowed      out of the reading room in our school.  

    A. taking       B. to be taken      C. being taken         D. to take


34. - Look, that’s Tom-the lost boy!

  - It’s really      great comfort to see him safe again. He is sure to bring

       comfort to his worried mother.

    A. a; a         B. the; the      C. a; /         D. the; /


33. Rose was wild       joy at the result of the examination.

    A. to           B. with         C. by          D. for


32.      to know the result of rescue, the relatives of the miners gathered at the door of the boss.

  A. Interested     B. Curious       C. Dying           D. Attracted


31.      seemed to be no possibility for him to turn up at the meeting.

    A. It            B. He          C. There           D. This


30. No decision      about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. 

    A. will be made     B. is made      C. is being made       D. has been made


29.      unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

    A. Before           B. Where           C. Unless           D. Until


28. This is the first time we      a film in the cinema together as a family.

    A. see             B. had seen        C. saw         D. have seen


27. We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all     .

    A. given away         B. kept away           C. taken up     D. used up


26. - John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

  - Oh,     !

    A. cheer up         B. well done           C. go ahead       D. congratulations

