0  267761  267769  267775  267779  267785  267787  267791  267797  267799  267805  267811  267815  267817  267821  267827  267829  267835  267839  267841  267845  267847  267851  267853  267855  267856  267857  267859  267860  267861  267863  267865  267869  267871  267875  267877  267881  267887  267889  267895  267899  267901  267905  267911  267917  267919  267925  267929  267931  267937  267941  267947  267955  447090 

11. The European Parliament has some control ______ what happens in each of the member countries.

A. in            B. beyond      C. over        D. under


10. China came up to the sixth place in the world _____ economic aggregate(经济总量)。

  A. instead of       B. in favor of     C. in exchange for     D. in terms of


9. It’s unfair! You sit there, listening to me, _____ I stand here, teaching you.

  A. as          B. when       C. while       D. since


8. Only _____ our courage beats our fear ________________.

  A. when; can we succeed          B. if; we can succeed

  C. because; will we succeed         D. while; we’ll be able to succeed


7. Three fourths of the surface of the earth ______ covered with water.

  A. are             B. is        C. will be      D. was


6. We finally bought a house, _________ about seven feet by ten.

  A. measured       B. measuring     C. is measured    D. measures


5. The US is ___ number 7, while the UK is _____ the 13th position.

  A. on; in        B. in; at       C. at; in     D. of; on


4. Why ______ we eat outside ______ we have so much delicious food at home?

  A. must; when     B. can; while     C. will; as      D. should; though


3. We should follow the example of our parents, ______ more and taking less.

  A. hoping        B. doing       C. saying       D. giving


2. The boy wanted the sailboat so _____ that he begged his mother to buy it for him.

A. bad         B. great       C. badly       D. greatly

