0  268107  268115  268121  268125  268131  268133  268137  268143  268145  268151  268157  268161  268163  268167  268173  268175  268181  268185  268187  268191  268193  268197  268199  268201  268202  268203  268205  268206  268207  268209  268211  268215  268217  268221  268223  268227  268233  268235  268241  268245  268247  268251  268257  268263  268265  268271  268275  268277  268283  268287  268293  268301  447090 

12. ---- Did you remember to pay the gas bill?

  ---- The gas bill? _______

 A. Please remember the amount.    B. Are you sure?  

C. My gas is running out.       D. That isn’t due yet.


11. I think playing the piano    much time and the piano also    much room.

     A. takes up, takes up            B. takes on, takes up       

C. takes on, takes on            D. takes up, takes on


10. The town hall     in 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

A. to be completed          B. having been completed     

C. completed             D. being completed


9. Her pale face suggested that she     ill badly and I suggested she    to hospital without delay.

     A. be, should be sent           B. was, be sent

C. be, was sent               D. was, was sent


8. Only an hour ago _______out why he was absent

A did  the teacher found       B.the teacher found

C.did the teacher find         D.had the teacher found


7. --How long has this bookshop been in business?

  --     1982.

A. After   B. In    C.  Since    D.  From


6. Zhouzhou is _____ success as a conductor, _____ disabled child as he is.

   A. a, the    B. a, /   C. /, a     D. the, a


5.  fear    A. heart   B.heard    C.theatre    D.wear


4.  rule    A.future   B.hunter   C.include    D.guest


3.  loud    A.touch   B.shoulder  C.soup     D.mouth

