0  268116  268124  268130  268134  268140  268142  268146  268152  268154  268160  268166  268170  268172  268176  268182  268184  268190  268194  268196  268200  268202  268206  268208  268210  268211  268212  268214  268215  268216  268218  268220  268224  268226  268230  268232  268236  268242  268244  268250  268254  268256  268260  268266  268272  268274  268280  268284  268286  268292  268296  268302  268310  447090 

27.---- Excuse me, may I have your name ?

  ----Catherine. _________I spell that for you ?

A. would      B. might    C. can        D. shall


26. Don’t touch the books. Leave them ____________.

A. as they are     B. where      C. the place     D. as it is


25.Helen had to shout ___________ above the sound of the music.

A. making herself hear        B. to make herself hear   

C. making herself heard        D. to make herself heard


24. The moment she came back from work, she ________to clean the kitchen thoroughly.

A. set about     B. set out    C. set off     D. set up


23. The suggestion _________at yesterday’s meeting was that a chemistry lab  __________ in our school soon.

A. put up; would be built         B. put forward; be set up

C. being put forward; will be set up     D. put up; would set up


22. Don’t come in unless ________.

A. inviting        B. inviting to    C. invited to     D. being invited to


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ---You can’t come today, can you?


A. Yes, I can come tomorrow.        B. Yes, I can’t come tomorrow.

C. No, but I can come tomorrow.       D. No, but I can’t come tomorrow.



③2:2:1    ④6

