0  269231  269239  269245  269249  269255  269257  269261  269267  269269  269275  269281  269285  269287  269291  269297  269299  269305  269309  269311  269315  269317  269321  269323  269325  269326  269327  269329  269330  269331  269333  269335  269339  269341  269345  269347  269351  269357  269359  269365  269369  269371  269375  269381  269387  269389  269395  269399  269401  269407  269411  269417  269425  447090 

26. It suddenly_____ to me that I could use a computer to do the job.

A. erupted   B. caused   C. occurred   D. happened


25. Knowledge learnt from books doesn’t have the same effect on a child

as_____through practice.

A. those     B. one    C. it     D. that


24. London is a most beautiful city in Britain, _____ the River Thames.

A. located in         B. lied on

C. situated on        D. stood in


23. Ryan’s family____ very large and his family____all fond of going hiking.

A. is; are    B. are; is   C. is; is    D. are; are


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 


21. At that time the US was at_____war with Iraq, and Shirley worked as_____doctor in the army.

A. a; a     B. the; a    C. /; a    D. the; /

pared with 2 million tons last year, our coal output has increased _____

three times; that is to say, our coal output has increased_____8 million tons

this year.

A. to; to    B. to; by    C. by; by   D. by; to


12.函数定义域为D,若满足①D内是单调函数②存在使上的值域为,那么就称为“成功函数”,若函数是“成功函数”,则的取值范围为(  )

A.     B.      C.       D.


11.如图,已知椭圆的左、右准线分别为,且分别交轴于两点,从上一点发出一条光线经过椭圆的左焦点轴反射后与交于点,若,且,则椭圆的离心率等于(   )

A.         B.   

 C.         D.


10.设直线与球有且只有一个公共点,从直线出发的两个半平面截球的两个截面圆的半径分别为1和,二面角的平面角为, 则球的表面积为(   )

A.    B.     C.     D.

