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10. She stepped into the bedroom quietly     she might wake up her roommates.

 A. for fear that     B. so long as

 C. on condition that   D. in order that

 选A。so long as 只要;on condition that…只要;in order that…为了;for fear that…唯恐,以防。


9. Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days,     we’ve never heard of before.

 A. one   B. that  C. it   D. this



8. -He    to the meeting. Have you informed him of it?

 -Sorry. I    to.

 A. hasn’t come; am going

 B. didn’t come; have forgotten

 C. hasn’t come; forgot

 D. doesn’t come; will have

 选C。第一句话Have you informed him of it?

 暗示了时间状语so far;而第二句话暗含时间状语then,指当时发生的动作。


7. It is not enough only    the rules of grammar if you want to learn English well.

 A. keeping in the mind

 B. to keep in mind

 C. to keep in your mind

 D. keeping in your mind

 选B。keep sth. in mind 为固定短语,意为“记住,记在心里。”only to keep sth. In mind为动词不定式作主语。


6. He     the person referred to be put in prison.

 A. said     B. demanded

 C. agreed    D. thought

 选B。referred to为过去分词作后置定;be put in prison前省去了should,在宾语从句中作谓语,在四个选项中,只有demand后跟虚拟语气,结构为:(should) + 动词原形。


5.    you I owe a thousand apologies having doubted your ability.

 A. For; to     B. To; for

 C. For; for     D. To; to

 选B。本句的结构是:owe sb. sth. for doing sth. 或owe sth. to do. for doing sth.。


3. ______, I think, and all the problems could be settled.

 A. If you make more efforts

 B. Making more efforts

 C. A bit more effort

 D. To have made more efforts

 选C。句中有并列连词and,故应选择C项。其中名词短语相当于一个祈使句,完整的句子为:Make more efforts, I think, and all the problems could be settled.如选A , and要删去。

 4  ______at in this way, the present situation about birds flue doesn’t seem so disappointing.

 A. Looking      B. Looked

 C. Having looked   D. To look

 选B。根据“分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语须与主句的主语保持一致”的原则,因主语the present situation与look at 之间为被动关系,故答案为B。


2. The TV programme has______on the children as______as the old.

 A. a good effect; good

 B. a positive effect; well

 C. a good affect; well

 D. affect; well

 选B。have an effect on“对……有影响”;as well as “和……一样”。


1.It was________great shock to the world that two aero-planes crashed into ______World Trade Center in New York o September 11th, 2001.

 A. a; /  B. a; the  C. the; the   D. /; the

 选B。shock指代具体事情时为可数名词,a great shock意为“一次沉重的打击”;由普通名词构成的建筑类专有名词需加冠词,故答案为B。


21.He began to __________ because every means _______ tried already.

 A. lose heart; has been  B. lose heart; had been

 C. lose his heart; was   D. lose his heart; had

选B。try发生在began之前,所以用过去完成时。lose heart 意思是“灰心,失去信心”;而lose one’s heart to意思是“爱上某人”。 

