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3.  - How come your father can read books in German?   

  - Well, he ______ on a project with some German engineers for 3 years when he was young.  

  A. worked         B. was working    C. had worked        D. would work


3. --How do you usually find out about new software?

--In the magazines like Popular Electronics. That’s ___ the computer companies usually advertise.

A. which             B. where        C. what         D. why


2. ______ colorful charts and graphs, he loaded a new software to help him.

  A. Create         B. Created         C. Creating        D. To create


1. -Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?

-Why that early? I ______.

A. will be sleeping  B. will sleep        C. have slept     D. have been sleeping


6.主将从现:I can when my headache disappear thoroughly. If you go, so will I.


Just in case!/Take your time!/Take it easy!/You can’t be serious/Up to you!/What if?/Can you make it?/What for?/What kept you?/Of what?/Exactly!/With pleasure!/That isn’t due yet./The early train is due to leave at 5:30 a.m./I’ll give you a lift./Why not?/You are wanted on the phone.



5.where: They notice that plants don’t grow well where there is much shade. My doctor advised me to live where the air is fresher.


4.as: Great as the difficulty was,../Much as I admire,…


3.since: It’s three years since I smoked.


2.when: It was six o’clock when they arrived at the hotel. (when可作if或since或considering意思)


1.before: …before I could say a word./It may be some time before the situation improves How long it’ll be before I can go back to work?

