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28.______ in a friendly way, they both were satisfied with the result.

    A.Having been settled their quarrel       B.Their quarrel being settled

    C.Their quarrel settled               D.After their quarrel settled


27.Now comes word from Filmagazine , the most popular and best-selling film magazine , ______ 'Bodyguards and Assassins' (十月围城)--which combines historical drama and martial-arts wonder--won eight awards, including best film and best director for Teddy Chen.

    A.that                         B.which          

    C.one                      D.what


26.Peter was sure that______ he drank any more of this good red wine he would fall asleep.

    A.if       B.when      C.as            D.since


25.Thousands of Poles gathered in front of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw on Saturday to lay flowers and light candles ______ Polish President Lech Saczynski and some of Poland's key civilian and military leaders______ in a plane crash in western Russia.

    A.in honor of; killed             B.in memory of ;killing

    C.in praise of  ; to kill            D.in spite of; kill


24.As the Internet is expanding day by day, the opportunities for crime ______ as well.

    A.has           B.is             C.have           D.are


23.We should believe ourselves! The brain of these people was as ______ as our own.

    A.large and full as developed {007}   

    B.large and fully developed

    C.largely and full as developed

    D.large and full developed


22.President Hu cut short his visit to Latin America and returned to Beijing on Saturday ______ the 7.1-magnitude quake, ______struck the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu Wednesday morning, and left 1,484 dead with 312 still missing.

    A.due to; which                   B.owing to ;that 

     C.as to ; when                   D.thanks to; where


21.My uncle promised to buy me a nice gift for my birthday, ______ beyond my imagination.

    A.which         B.that           C.the one        D.something


15.What can we know about the other factories?

    A.They all destroyed the river.    

     B.Their performance is poor.

    C.They will be fined for the damage they did.


    Directions :In this section, you'll hear a mini-talkListen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you've gotFill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS

You'll hear the mini-talk TWICE

Escaping a fire
I. Importance
●It is a   16  matter.
●Knowing what to do during a fire can save a life.
II. Tips
●When you are trying to escape a fire, you should use stairways and fire escapes but not  17  .
●If you are on the first floor and you can’t run from the door, it is possible to escape through the window.
●Windows are also useful when you are  18  . Be sure to keep the door closed before opening the window. Keep your head  19  at the window.
●If you are on the second or third floor when a fire breaks out, you’d better get to the roof through the window and then drop onto  20  .





    Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B ,C and DChoose the one that best completes the sentence


14.What is the man’s attitude towards the news?

    A.He’s angry about it.

    B.He has no interest at all.

    C.He’s quite satisfied with it.

