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22.Iraq has _______ too many wars since 1990, making his people ______ a lot.

A.got through;  pay              B.looked through;  face

    C.gone through;  suffer           D.passed through;  destroy


21.There was ____ time ____ I often played truant from school.

A.a; that        B.a; when       C.the; that      D.the; when


20.After the earthquake, the whole city ________ a battlefield.

A.claimed       B.resembled     C.remained     D.accomplished


19.The police have ________ some 300 street children and beggars in the coastal areas and droved them to a place in the suburbs.

A.concentrated on               B.called on      C.relied on   D.rounded up


18.Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually die out _______ the oil spill.

A.as a consequence of           B.in return for   

C.in the name of                                D.in spite of


17.---Tom, you are caught coming late again.

--- Oh, __________.

A.not at all      B.just my luck    C.never mind    D.that’s all right


16.The public ______ of the problem will make the government take it seriously.

A.awareness     B.revolution     C.existence     D.evidence


15.The aircraft will ________ fuel in another hour.

A.run for        B.run out        C.run out of     D.run after


14.---Which day do you think is all right for our next meeting?

--- You make ______._________ day is all the same to me.

A.one; One      B.it; Any         C.that; Some    D.this; Another


13.They suggested that the professor ________ just now ______ chairman of the meeting.

A.referring to; was made          B.referring to; be made

C.referred to; be made           D.referred to; was made

