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    One of the things I always believe is that no matter how bad something is, you can  31   something valuable out of it. The thing I wasn’t  32   of its value was the terrorist attack on September 11.

    I hear older people  33   about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Kennedy’s being murdered and how greatly those events  34   them in their lives. For my  35  , the tragedy of September 11 can be  36   with that of Pearl Harbor. We will be talking about the terrible effect  37   our country, and our lives as the single human being, for years to come.

    It wasn’t until a few weeks  38   September 11 that I began to see that perhaps something good did come from this tragedy. People seem  39   now, more understanding, more friendly. Little things that seemed to be such a bother before are no longer a  40   deal. Personally, I am more patient than I was. I realize life is too short and  41  , to let myself get upset over unimportant things. Life is also too short to carry complaints and  42   I’ve become more forgiving and understanding. I’ve also learned that you can’t take things for granted. You know how we always say “  43   you later”. One thing I’ve realized from September 11 is that you can’t ever say that for sure.  44  change in the blink (眨眼) of an eye. People go to  45   and don’t come back. One minute they are living and the  46   minute they are not. And, it doesn’t  47   who you are because there is nothing you can do about it. We  48   know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make  49   of every minute we have.

    You try to learn from what happened. You can’t live by it. All you can do is just  50   .

31.A.grasp         B.catch         C.bring         D.take

32.A.sure          B.fond          C.satisfied       D.believed

33.A.think         B.know         C.talk          D.learn

34.A.affected      B.taught        C.disappointed  D.improved

35.A.opinion       B.people        C.generation    D.children

36.A.connected    B.followed      C.compared    D.mixed

37.A.in            B.on            C.for           D.to

38.A.after         B.before        C.when         D.that

39.A.happy        B.sad           C.funny         D.different

40.A.little          B.big           C.small         D.right

41.A.terrible        B.hard          C.precious      D.hopeless

42.A.then         B.therefore      C.yet           D.however

43.A.See          B.Call          C.Meet         D.Visit

44.A.Demands     B.Things         C.Buildings      D.People

45.A.cities         B.factories       C.work         D.hospitals

46.A.other         B.another       C.next          D.last

47.A.matter        B.trouble        C.mean        D.realize

48.A.always       B.ever          C.possibly       D.never

49.A.most         B.use           C.effort         D.sense

50.A.study         B.work          C.live           D.play


30.A plane named Airbus A320 crashed in Sao Paulo on July 17, 2007, ________ more than 200 people lost their lives.

A.for which                      B.because which            

C.among which                 D.as a result of which


29.________________ how to work out the math problem.

A.Only our monitor knew          B.Only did our monitor know

C.Our monitor only did know       D.Only did know our monitor


28.It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.

A.none         B.neither       c.both         D.each


27.Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, ______ effects the people are still suffering.

A.that          B.whose        C.which        D.what


26.It is said that there are millions of camels in India and ______ of them is still increasing.

A.the number    B.the amount    C.the quantity   D.a number


25.In that big fire all their houses were _____ , so they had to build new ones.

A.hurt          B.harmed       C.destroyed     D.fallen


24.Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _______ they are different from your own.

A.until          B.even if        C.unless        D.as though


23.With two children ________ college in the nearby city, the parents have to work very hard to earn enough money to pay for their education.

A.attended     B.attending     C.joined        D.joining

