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第一节  听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.Why didn’t Mike take an examination yesterday?

    A.Because he didn’t want to do so.

    B.Because he got sick.

    C.Because he got the examination date wrong.

2.What did the professor permit Mike to do?

    A.Have all examination at home.

    B.Have an exam sometime later when he got better.

    C.Have an exam next term.

3.Why didn’t Mike drive his car?

    A.Because the doctor told him not to.

    B.Because he liked taking a walk.

    C.Because he didn’t think he was able to.


4.What can you learn from the conversation?

    A.The man has got a well-paid job.

    B.The man is busy looking for a job.

    C.The man has found a job in the restaurant.

5.What will the man probably do tomorrow?

    A.Smile to his customers.

    B.Meet the woman’s boss.

6.What does the woman suggest?

    A.Leaving half an hour for preparation before work.

    B.Refusing the customers’ unreasonable requests.

    C.Never pulling a long face in front of the boss.


7.How does John’s sister come?

    A.By car.              B.By air.               C.By train.

8.When does John’s sister arrive?

    A.At 4:30.             B.At 4:20.             C.At 4:

9.How often does the No. 1 bus run?

    A.Every 5 minutes.       B.Every 10 minutes.      C.Every 15 minutes.


10.What does Elisa do for her Barbie dolls?

    A.She sews beautiful clothes for them.

    B.She keeps their clothes clean.

    C.She cuts their hair when necessary.

11.Why did Elisa’s father build the glasshouse?

    A.He didn’t like Barbie dolls.

    B.He wanted to keep all the Barbie dolls in it.

    C.His house is not big enough for Barbie dolls.

12.When will Elisa stop collecting Barbie dolls?

    A.When she gets married.

    B.When she begins school.

    C.When she is old enough.


13.Where does this conversation take place?

    A.At the airport.         B.In a restaurant.        C.On the street.

14.What does the woman think of San Francisco?

    A.It has less traffic.     

    B.It has the best food and music.

    C.People there are friendlier.

15.Where does the man come from?

    A.China.              B.San Francisco.        C.Pennsylvania.



假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Morgan要求你们明天下午去听一个美国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Miss Morgan请假。







Miss Morgan,












第一节 短文改错 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)






This summer holiday, I get a chance to teach English       76.___________

beginners.I experienced life as teacher for the first time.   77.___________

The students were very small, but I was even nervous when              78.___________

so many kids stared at me.Fortunately, their warmly welcome              79.___________

encouraged me.I taught them some letters, sang English songs             80.___________

and played games with them, fill the classroom with laughter.              81.___________

But little kid like talking with each other in class, so it was   82.___________

hard to control the class.As a result, I got a sore throat.Thus,               83.___________

I found that teaching is cool and exciting, especially that  84.___________

when you help your students to learn anything with joy.    85.___________


35.- I’ve been told that you are not content with your present job.

  - Yeah.I am looking for a job _____ I can put my talent to good use.

     A.which        B.where        C.when         D.why

