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32. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year , 80%    are sold  


A. of which           B. which of          C. of them              D. of that


31. -Do you know Smith has had his leg broken?

-Really? How did that happen?

-    , he was riding fast on a narrow path when he knocked into a big stone in the middle and fell down heavily.

A. In common        B. By chance           C. On purpose       D. By the way


30. It was raining hard ,     they decided to start out as they had planned.

A. but              B. however          C. and                 D. yet


29. E-mail , as well as telephones     an important role in daily communication .

    A. is playing         B. play          C. are playing              D. played


28. -   the sports meet might be put off.

  -Yes , it all depends on the weather.

A. I’ve been told      B. I’ve told          C. I’m told              D. I told


27. A new cinema     here . They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built        B. is built           C. has been built     D. is being built


26. The greatest number of countries     the 48 th World Table Tennis Championship in history.

A. were attended B. joined           C. took part             D. took part in


25. Do you remember this beautiful town    a dirty place?

    A. was used to be        B. used to being     C. used to be    D. got used to being


24. I greeted the teacher with “hello” , and the teacher gave me a sweet smile   .

    A. by turns          B. in return          C. in turn           D. for return


23. I appreciate the way     you do things . Which one is wrong ?

    A. that             B. in which          C. /            D. which

