0  270417  270425  270431  270435  270441  270443  270447  270453  270455  270461  270467  270471  270473  270477  270483  270485  270491  270495  270497  270501  270503  270507  270509  270511  270512  270513  270515  270516  270517  270519  270521  270525  270527  270531  270533  270537  270543  270545  270551  270555  270557  270561  270567  270573  270575  270581  270585  270587  270593  270597  270603  270611  447090 

14.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be  in a stadium.

    A.put away       B.put up         C.put out         D.put off


13.The captain gave an order in the difficult situation   the sailors throw away everything that was on board the ship.

    A.what          B.which         C.as            D.that


12.Disthinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school!     the ceremony of the 50th anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

    A.Attend         B.To attend       C.Attending       D.Having attended


11.-Can we fix a time for the party?

    -We can’t have the party    none of us have any classes.

    A.except         B.except for       C.except when     D.except that


10.They finally reached    they had long dreamed of.

    A.where         B.the place        C.that           D.there where


9.If you sleep short of 7 hours, you are three times  to catch a cold.

    A.possible        B.certainly        C.probable        D.likely


8.-It’s so nice to enjoy the sunshine here on the green grass.

    -You    us a right place.

    A.had introduced   B.are introducing   C.have introduced  D.introduce


7.-Is your school bigger than ours?

    -Yes. I guess it is    your school.

    A.as twice the size of                B.as two thirds big as

    C.bigger than half                  D.one third bigger than


6.The disease,    , could spread very fast.

    A.unless well controlling              B.if not well controlled

    C.when not to control               D.although not being well controlled


5.To prevent cybercrime more efficiently, it is important to make new laws and create international standards for them similar to   concerning international airspace.

    A.that           B.what          C.one           D.those

