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66. From the last paragraph, we can learn that______.

A. letting all the people like you is possible as long as you try your best

B. the things in your life is more important than the people in your life

C. the moreperson loves you, the more clearly the person can express himself/herself

D. different people have different viewpoints on the same thing


65. Why is the writer silent forwhile after having asked the first question?

A. Because he can't hear the great man's words clearly.

B. Because he wants to have enough time to write the answers down.

C. Because he is touched by what the great man says.

D. Because he needs time to think over what to ask next.


64. What makes the great man feel puzzled most in his life?

A. People don't like to bechild norgrown-up.

B. People don't try their best to keep healthy.

C. People don't livemeaningful life.

D. People don't treasure what they own today.


63. The main idea of this story is that______.

A. those using logic are not always logical  B. mysteries can be solved by observation

C. detectives can never be trusted        D. guilt can be proved scientifically


I go to interviewgreat man. "What surprises you most in your life?" I ask. The great man answers, "People don't like to be children; when they grow up, they wish to be children again. They lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. They think anxiously about the future, but they forget the present, so they live neither for the present nor the future. "

I have never heard of these words. I am silent forwhile, write these words down, and then I ask the second question prepared ahead of time, "Asparent, what lessons do you want your children to learn from life?"

The great man answers withsmile, "I want them to learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved. I want them to learn that the most valuable thing is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives. I want them to learn that it is not good to compare themselves with others. I want them to learn thatrich person is not the one who has the most, but is the one who needs the least. I want them to learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness. I want them to learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but do not know how to express their feelings. I want them to learn that money can buy everything but happiness. I want them to learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently. I want them to learn thattrue friend is someone who likes them anyway. I want them to learn that it is not always enough that they are forgiven by others, but that they have to forgive themselves. "


62. The tone of this story is______.

A. scientific       B. serious          C. educational         D. humorous


61. The detective declared the mystery would be solved soon______.

A. after he found the murderer          B. before he used the microscope

C. after he foundhair                 D. before he looked at the corpse


60. Before the great detective arrived, it seemed that______.

A. the man had died of natural causes     B. no one could possibly have murdered the man

C. the mystery would be easy to solve     D. the dead man was covered with hair


59. I was deeply moved by Prana because______.

A. she gave what is needed with grace

B. she dug up so many apples in such cold winter

C she gave unconditional love to me with such grace

D. she tried her best to save the birds from the snow


The mystery had reached its climax (高潮) The man had undoubtedly been murdered. However, no one present knew who could have killed suchkind person. It was therefore time to call in the great detective, who gave one searching glance at the corpse (尸体), and then usedmicroscope.

"Aha!" he jumped as he pickedhair off the dead man's coat "The mystery ismystery no longer. We have only to find the man who lost this hair, and the criminal will be in our hands. " The chain of logic was complete, and the detective started to do his search.

For four days and four nights he moved unobserved through the streets of New York, scanning closely every face, looking forman who had losthair. On the fifth day he discoveredman pretending to betourist* and his head was enveloped incap reaching below his ears. The man was about to board the Gloritania, and the detective lost no time in following him on board.

"Arrest him!" shouted the detective, and then, drawing himself to his full height, he took out the hair. "This is his," said the great detective, "and it proves his guilt. "

"Remove his hat," ordered the ship's captain firmly.

It was discovered that the man had no hair.

"Aha!" said the great detective withoutmoment's hesitation. "He has committed not one murder, but about one million!"


58. Prana dug up as many apples from the snow as possible so that______.

A. she could help her owner store away many apples

B. her bird and squirrel friends could have food in cold weather

C. she could have fun in her yard time

D. she could have something to play with in the house


57. The underlined word indelible in Paragraph 2 means______.

A. unimportant     B. unbelievable       C. impossible         D. unforgettable

