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75. What conclusion can be drawn from the text?

A. We should protect great white sharks as well as other ocean animals.

B. The female great white shark will be attacked by some other animals.

C. Great white sharks are becoming more and more

D. We should kill the enemies of white sharks in the oceans.




74. By saying that "officials at the aquarium knew the time had come", the writer probably means that the female great white shark______.

A. had to be killed                   B. escaped from the big tank

C. had to be set free                 D. began to hit and kill other animals


73. Different from the others of her kind, the young female great white shark was somewhat _____in the beginning.

A. terrible and dangerous              B. fierce and cruel

C. loyal and friendly                  D. gentle and lovely


72. We can see that in the film Jaw the shark was once described as______.

A.pet of children                    B.horror to human beings

C.friend of the aged                  D.guard of its owner


71. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to use your car correctly.

B. How to save gas when using your car.

C. How to deal with the price of gas.

D. How to form good driving habits.


Thirty years ago, when the movie version of my novel Jaw was published, few people including me knew very much about great white sharks. For hundreds of generations, we humans have been taught to fear and hate sharks, and the movie touchednerve of horror.

Now something long thought impossible has happened.great white shark was successfully held in capacity for several months. In August last yearvery young female great white shark was caught accidentally infisherman's net off Huntington Beach, California, and then kept in an ocean pen (栏栅) for 25 days. After being moved to the Monterey Bay Aquarium (水族馆), she grew well in the million-gallon Outer Bay Exhibit. She was so lovely that people all liked her very much. Perhaps she was too young to understand that the big tank was not her natural environment, because she didn't hit her head against the walls in an attempt to swim away as others of her kind have done. And she began to feed almost immediately on small fish offered to her onpole. In the months that followed, the shark suffered no serious injuries, caught no diseases, and grew noticeably larger, breaking all records for great white sharks in capacity. The longest that any other great white shark had been held was 16 days.

Until February 23, that is, when she hit and killedsoup fin shark (翅鲨) , as she grew bigger and her behavior grew more aggressive, officials at the Aquarium knew the time had come. On March 31, after 198 days in the aquarium, the great white shark was released into the Pacific.

Scientists still havelot to learn about sharks, especially great white sharks which are now considered to be in danger. Scientists do know that sharks are necessary to ocean health. Remove any significant animal from the sea food chain and you will risk destroying the balance of nature.


70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Always keep your car in good working condition.  B. Never use your car unless it is necessary.

C. Replace your tires if they are worn out.      D. Always stick to your own driving habits.


69. The underlined sentence in the 3rd paragraph probably means you should

A. do as many things as you can in one trip

B. go to as many places as you can in one trip

C. take as many people as you can in one trip

D. use as many ways of driving as you can in one trip.


68. Which of the following can help save gas?

A. Driving as fast as you can.

B. Accelerating quickly to get to the speed you want.

C. Driving fastlittle now and slowlylittle then.

D. Driving atspeed that is, seldom changed.


67. After reading the whole passage, we can conclude that the passage is______.

A. educational     B. funny           C. strange            D. interesting


The price of gas has been going up. We do not know when it will end. Many people want to know how they can save gas. The best way to save gas is to change driving habits.

The accelerator (加速器) or gas pedal, haslot to do with how much gas you use. The faster you drive, the more gas you use. Drivers should slow downbit to save gas. Driving atsteady speed helps to save much gas you use. Accelerating slowly to get to the speed you want to go helps save gas too.

The more you drive your car, the more gas you use. Think about the places you need to go before leaving your home. You should run as many errands (差事) that you need to do in one trip. Always try to pick the shortest route when going somewhere.

Cars that are in good working condition use less gas. Take care of your car. Make sure the engine is running well and is tuned up often. Haverepairman check it if something seems wrong.

Tires are important too. Keep the tires inflated (饱满) properly oncar. It will help the car roll better and will get you better mileage (英里数) If the tires ofcar are worn then they should be replaced.

Finally, think about using your car less. Walk or ridebike if you do not have far to go. Carpool (合伙用车) or take public transportation when you can. Leaving your car at home really saves gas.

There are many waysperson can save gas. These are justfew ideas that can help you save some money at the gas pump. Try changing the way you drive and see how much it saves you!

