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30.Tom, turn down the music. Why   you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping? 

    A.must          B.would         C.should         D.may


29.It rained for two weeks, completely _______ our holiday.

   A.ruined         B.ruin           C.to ruin         D.ruining


28.It is known to us all E-mail is______ efficient than sending a fax.

   A.much         B.many          C.more much     D.much more


27.His family members gave some examples of _________ his drinking and smoking had affected the family. A.that                       B.what       C.how         D.whether


26.We hope the measures to control prices,    are taken by the government, will succeed.

    A.as         B.when         C.since      D.after


25.John didn’t choose    of the ties and went away without looking at a third one.

    A.many        B.either         C.all         D.any   


24.- Let’s discuss the question raised last night, shall we?

   - There is no hurry for that. I     for a conference.

    A.headed         B.was heading     C.am heading      D.have headed


23.Napoleon would have taken over the world if he ______ the Battle of Waterloo.

    A.wins          B.won           C.had won       D.has won


22.What the scientist said sounded strange, ______ ,they made sense.

   A.therefore       B.however      C.since        D.otherwise


21.― Excuse me, where can I get _____ application form?

― Go to _____ Window 10 , please.

   A.an; 不填     B.an; the           C.不填;不填     D.the; the

