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第二节   书面表达(满分25分)


1. 浏览世博主页,了解相关的情况;

2. 选择合适的门票,可在网上预订;

3. 气候炎热降雨多,注意防雨防晒;

4. 可以参观其它景点和邻近城市。

Dear Matthew,

I’m so happy to receive your letter and know you are going to visit the Shanghai Expo.


 Yours truly,

                                     Li Hua


第一节   短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







At 7:30 on the morning, we gathered at the school gate and set off on a large bus. An hour later, we arrive at the Forest Park. Getting off, we started our journey at once.

First, we climbed the green hills and on the way tried their luck to hunt for hidden treasure. Next, we toured around the lake in the comfortable boat. The beautiful scenery was really a feast for the eye. Then at noon time, we landed and settled at an open area, which we enjoyed a wonderful picnic. After eating, we sang and danced happy and played some interesting games. The day passed quickly. Finally it was time for us to return back. So at 3:00 pm, we cleaned the ground, made our way to the parking lot, getting on the bus and left.

It was really an exciting trip since we had long busy with our school work.

