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7.cheat n.欺骗;骗子  vt./vi. 欺骗;作弊

用法拓展:(1) cheat sb. into doing sth..欺骗某人做某事

     (2)cheat sb. (out) of sth. 欺骗某人某物

     (3)cheat sb. into the belief that … 骗某人相信…

(4)   cheat in the exam 考试作弊


6. loose adj. 松的,松散的,松开的

词性拓展:loosen vt./vi.  解开,放松;变松;

用法拓展;break loose  挣脱出来;迸发出来 

      come (get) loose (结等)松掉;

      let /set loose释放;放出;发出


1. still  2.quite.  3. silent.  4. calm)

cern  vt.涉及;关系到   n.关心;关注

用法拓展:(1) be concerned about/for sth.关心挂念……

(2)be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连

(3)be concerned with sth.与某事有关/关于…….

(4)as concerns  关于(= concerning)

(5)as far as …be concerned …就…… 而言

(6)show/feel concern for/about ……担心/关心……

The meeting was concerned _________ reforms and everyone present was concerned _______ their own interests.

A. with; for  B. with; with   C. for; about;  D. about; with

(前一句理解为“会议与改革有关”,因此此处应填介词with; 后一句句意为“到会的每一个人都关心自己的利益”,因此空二填介词 about/for 。 A)


4. clam  adj.  平静的;镇静的;沉静的

you should keep clam in time of danger.

区别:silent 不说话,不出声;quite 安静的;宁静的;still 不动的;强调“静止状态”;clam  指人“沉着,镇定”;指自然“无风无浪”。

(1) The old man stood quite ­­­­­­­­­­­­_______ , except that his lips moved slightly.

(2)  One man shouted at the boy, “ be _______, boy ! what’s the matter with you?”

(3) He is _______ about the accident.

(4) He remained _________ in the face of the cruel enemy.


3.    ignore (vt.)不理睬 ;忽视

词性拓展: ignorant  adj.  无知的;不知的     ignorance  n.  无知;愚昧

用法:(1)ignore sb./ sth. 忽视某人/某物

(2)be ignorant of sth

he ________ the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.

I was ________ of the fact that the boss could be so strict.

(ignores; ignorant)


2.point (n.) 尖端;点;分数;要点;论点

用法:(1)on the point of 就要/将近…….的时候

(2)to the point 中肯,扼要

(3)in point 恰当的,适当的

(4)there is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。

The sailors were on the point of giving up ______ the captain came up.

A. when  B. while     C. as   D. because

Be on the point of doing … when …是固定句式。When 在此处表示“在那个时候”=and at that time 此时不能用其他词(as/while)代替。

拓展:句型(1)be about to do ……when……

(2)be doing……when……

(3)have/had done ……. when……


1. add  (vt./vi)加,增加,补充说

词性拓展:additional  (adj) 附加的,另外的; addition (n.) 加,增加

in addition 另外;此外     in addition to 除了……

用法:(1)add sth. up 把…加起来

(2)add to 增添

(3)add… to … 把…加到…

(4)add up  把…加起来 

(5)add up to 总计;加起来结果是 …

 What he said about the accident and did with it ­______ our trouble.

A. added up to   B. added to  C. add up  D. add

add to 增添;不能用被动(B)

You’d better ________ your score and see if you have passed the exam.

A. add up to   B. add to   C. add up  D. add

A 强调加起来的结果;C意为把……加起来(C)

