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17. nature  n.  自然;自然界

keep the balance of nature 

词性拓展: natural  adj.  自然的;  naturally  adv.  自然的

用法拓展:against nature  违反自然   by nature  生来;天生  in nature  性质上;

in the nature of  具备……的性质

注意:nature 意思是“自然,自然界”,前面不加冠词。


16.Crazy  adj. 疯狂的;狂热的

用法拓展:  (1)be crazy about …….对…… 狂热,痴迷

(2)be crazy for sb./sth. =long for 渴望某物或迷恋某人

(3)    be crazy with 因……而发疯

He has greatly improved is spoken English by learning Crazy English. And he ________ a chance to go abroad. 

A. is crazy about  B. is crazy for   C. is hoping for  D. hopes about


15.Outdoors  adv. 在户外;在野外;

 Children usually prefer playing outdoors.

相关拓展:outdoors  adj.户外的,野外的

      indoors  adv. 在室内;入室内     indoor  adj.  室内的


14. series  n. 连续;系列

There will be a series of football games next month.

用法拓展:a series of meeting /exams /textbooks

      two series of stamps

series单复数同型,作主语时谓语动词根据 series 单复数概念决定,不根据of 的名词决定。


13.German  n. 德国人;德语    adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的

词性拓展:Germany  n. 德国

用法拓展:German 的复数形式是Germans, 而英国人、法国人的复数形式是Englishmen和Frenchmen.


12. Netherlands  n. 荷兰  Netherlander  n. 荷兰人 

Netherlandish  adj. 荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的  n. 荷兰语


11. Feeling  n.  感觉;感情

词性拓展:feel  vt./vi. 感觉,感受,触摸     feelings 情感


10.Share  vt./vi.分享;共同使用   n.  一份;份额


(1)share (in) sth. 分享/分担某物

(2)  share sth. with sb. 与某人共享某物;与某人分担某物


9.list  vt.  列出  n. 表,一览表,目录,名单

用法拓展:make a list of ……列……表


8.reason  n. 理由;原因  vt./ vi. 推理;说服

e.g.: My reason is that the cost will be too high. 我的理由是费用太高。

词性拓展:reasonable adj. 合情合理的


(1)for this /that /no /some reason 因为这个/那个/没有/某一理由

(2)reason with sb. 和某人辩论

(3)by reason of 因为,由于……

(4)the reason for sth./ doing sth. is that …….做某事的理由是…….

(5) The reason why …… is that …… 做某事的理由是……

The reason _________ he was late was ______ his car had broken down on the way.

A. why; because  B. that; because  C. that; for  D. why; that

She would like to know the reason ________ fewer and fewer students are showing interest in her lesson.         

A. for       B. why      C. for that   D. which

What do you think of the reason ________ he explained in his last letter ________ refusing the job? 

A. why; why    B. that; for which  C. which; for  D. that; because

(D.  B.首先分析定语从句结构,主谓齐全,空格只能填状语成分,所以使用关系副词why; C改为for which 也对; C. 注意:reason  后面的定语从句不一定用why引导,要看在定语从句中缺少什么句子成分。在这里explain 缺少宾语只能用关系代词that 或 which  引导。

补充:reason 与cause 的区别

reason  指在事实的基础上通过逻辑判断出的理由与conclusion (结论)相对,常与for或why 连用;cause是自然造成某种结果的原因,与effect(结果)相对,常与of 连用。

用reason, cause 填空

(1) The ________ of the fire is still not known.

(2) Give me your ________ for doing it.

