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4. have got to 必须,不得不

He has got to finish his homework today.

用法拓展: have to 必须,不得不=have got to  (客观) // must 必须(主观)

In the class of the computer information ,there weren’t enough computers for every student, so we ________ .

A. had got to save   B. had to separate   C. had to share  D. had got to divide

(C.     由于电脑不够,我们不得不共用电脑。Share 在此处为不及物动词,“共用”)


3. Get it repaired 让别人修理……

My radio was broken, and I must get it repaired.


get sth. done  使某物被做; have sth. done 让别人做某事

★ get 之后可接复合宾语,即get +宾语+宾补,宾补可以是现在分词、过去分词或不定式短语,结构为:{get +○+ doing 使……(主动)};{get +○+ done 使……被……};{get +○+ to do 使……做……}get + 现在分词表示主动关系;get + 过去分词表示被动关系。


(1) Let me try now.  I’ ll get the car­­­­­­­­­­________ (go)

(2) When are you going to get your bike ________ (repair)?

(3) I’ll get him ________ (do) the work.

(going  使汽车发动起来; repaired 表被动 ;  to do 主动,表将来)

The workers get ________ by the hour.

A. paid  B. pay    C. paying   D. to pay

(A, get paid by the hour 按小时付给工资。Get +过去分词表示被动关系)


2.   Not …… until ……★

He didn’t go to bed until his mother came back.



(2)当not until 放在句首时,主句用倒装语序,从句不倒装。

(3) 在强调句中一般用not until 短语或从句。


1)遇到it is (was) …… that……  先判断是否是强调句,判断的标准是把 it is (was)…… that …… 去掉看句子仍然成立。

(2) not …… until ……  短语用在强调句型中必须合在一起。

It was _______ last week that we ________ him.

A. until; knew  B. until; didn’t know 

C. not until; knew   D. not until; didn’t know

(C. 本句为一强调句型,强调not … until 短语。 Not… until 用于此句型中,必须放在一起。另外,强调句的结构为:it is (was)+ 强调成分+that …)

完成句子 直到她摘下墨镜来,我才意识到她是个著名的电影明星。

Not until she took off her sun-glasses ______ I _______ that she was a famous film star.

(did; realize  not until 放在句首时,用倒装语序,主句倒装而从句不倒装)


1.   Make the following survey 做如下调查

Of the five hundred householders _________ , 40% had dishwashers.

A. to survey    B. surveyed  C. surveying   D. being surveyed

The teacher came in, __________ some students.

A. follow   B. following  C. followed  D. to follow

(B, 表动宾关系,必须用被动关系,而且是完成被动。  B,考察非谓语动词。Follow 后面带着宾语,因此用现在分词作伴随状语。而不定式作状语表目的和结果。)


24.trust  vt./ n.  信任;信赖

Don’t ask me; trust your own judgment.

用法拓展:(1)trust sb. = believe in sb.信任某人

(2)trust sb. to do ( 放心)托付某人做某事。

(3)sb. trust that ……相信……



23. according  adv. 依照

You’ve been in prison six times according to our records.

词性拓展:accord  vt./ vi. (使符合,一致)

 accordant  adj.  一致的,调和的(with);   accordingly  adv.  按照;依据


according to 按照;根据……所说  后面接名词、代词或what 从句,用作状语。

________ what she said, the police quickly found the thief and caught him.

A. According     B. Accordingly   C. According to  D. Accord to



22.Power  n.  能力;力量;权力)

The police have the power to detain offenders.


powerful  adj.  强有利的;强大的  powerless  adj. 无力量的;软弱的

  powerfully adv. 强大地

用法拓展:(1)have the power to do 有权利做某事

(2)brain power 智力  political power 政权

electric/ water power  电/水力  power station 发电站

(4) come into power  掌权(动作); be in power 掌权(状态)

区分:power  能力; 力量; 电力; 权力  strength  力量;力气 

energy 精力;能量

  Full of ________ , he lifted the stone .

  Full of _________, he is always active.

Hitler came into _________ in Germany in 1933.

We have the ________ to obtain our shares.

(strength;  energy;  power;  power)


21. Entirely  adv. 完全地;全然地,整个地

I agree with you entirely.

用法拓展:entire 是形容词,意为“整个的,全部的”(=whole);全然的,完全的(=complete);(构成一组的东西)全部齐全的,未破坏的;无伤的,entire 通常置于名词前做定语。

注意:entirely 用在否定句中,表示部分否定。

单句改错:his work was not entire satisfactory.

(entire-entirely ,  副词修饰形容词,表部分否定。句意为“他的工作并非完全令人满意”。


20.Thunder  n. 雷;雷声 vi. 打雷;雷鸣

拓展:thunder­­-storm  n.雷暴;雷雨   thunder- shower  n. 雷阵雨


18.purpose  n.  目的;意图 

The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.

用法拓展:(1)on purpose 故意地= with the purpose of doing

(2) for the purpose of doing 为了 ……的目的

He held out his fist before the young man and tried to anger him ________.

A. for purpose   B. on purpose  C. in purpose   D. from purpose


★19.dare  vt./ vi.  Aux. 敢;胆敢

用法拓展:(1) dare 作情态动词,一般用在否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中,后跟不带to 的不定式,有自己的过去式dared, 无人称和数的变化。

 He dared not go near the dog.

If you dare speak to me like that again , you’ll be sorry.

(2) dare 用作实义动词,后跟带to 的不定式,有人称、数及时态的变化。


Do you dare (to) jump off the high wall?

She doesn’t dare (to) say anything ?

 注意:做题时,应先判断dare 是情态动词还是实义动词。

He ________ his parents about his failure in the examination.

A. dare not tell           B. dares not to tell

C. dare not to tell          D. dare not tell

I wondered how he _________ that to the teacher.

A. dare to say     B. dare saying     C. not dare say  D. dared say

(D, 本题考察dare 的用法。做题时,应先判断dare 是情态动词还是实义动词。A\B\C三项从dare not 判断显然是情态动词,后应跟动词原形,排除B\C二项。A项dare 是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,不应加 “s”,故答案选 D.)

(D.本题考察dare 的用法。Dare 用作行为动词有人称、数和时态的变化。A项从to say 来看,dare 是实义动词,有时态的变化,应把dare 改为dared。用作情态没有人称和数的变化,但有时态变化,其后接省to 的不定式,但不能接动名词,排除B 。C没有这种形式,故答案选D.本句中dared say (情态动词)=dared to say (实义动词)

