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4. In order to / so as to

in order to  和so as to 后接动词原形,用作目的状语时,二者用法一致,但in order to do语气强烈,可放在句首、句中;而 so as to do 语气较弱,只能放在句中,不能放在句首;它们的否定形式把not 放在to 的前面。

注意:in order to 引导目的状语从句时,不定式的逻辑主语同句子主语保持一致。

________ get a better score, she has been studying hard all day.

A. so has to  B. in order to  C. so that  D. in order that 

(B, so that 和in order that 引导从句)

★ In order to make our city green, __________.

A. it is necessary to have planted more trees

B. many trees need to plant

C. our city need more trees

D. we must plant more trees

(D. 本题考查in order to 引导目的状语时,不定式的逻辑主语同句子主语一致的原则。目的状语的意思是“为了使我们的城市变绿“, make的逻辑主语是人(we)。



★ do with / deal with

 都有“处理、与 ……有关”的意思,

(1)do with 与 what 搭配, what 在句中作do 的宾语;

(2)deal with  与how 搭配;

(1)______ do you do with the old bike?

(2)______ do you deal with the old bike?

(what; how)

It’s said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ________.

A. it what to do with   B. what to do it with  

C. what to do with it    D. to do what with it

(C.本题考查“疑问词+不定式”结构在句中做宾语。What 作 do 的宾语,it 作介词with的宾语。句意为“据说澳大利亚的土地多得政府都不知道怎么处理。


2. discover/ invent

discover 发现;看出,发现原来存在而不为人知的东西;

 invent 发明,发明原来不存在的东西

(1) We ________ them to be cheats at last.

(2) We have _______ that he is quite careful in his work.

(3) Do you know who ________ the machine?

(discovered; discovered; invented)


1.  be good to / be good for

be good to …对……好,和善;

be good for…对……有益

(1) 晨练对你的健康有好处。

Doing morning exercise is good __________ your health.

(2) 他对我一向很好。

He ha always been good ________ me.


It is good  ______ her study.

(for; to; for)


9. face to face  面对面地

she stood face to face with him.


hand in hand  手拉手  side by side 肩并肩 = shoulder to shoulder肩并肩

heart to heart 心连心地    back to back 背靠背地   arm in arm  手拉手地




★ happen to do sth. 碰巧正在做某事

when I was about to look for him, he happened to come in.


(1) happen to be doing 碰巧正在做某事

(2)happen to have done 碰巧做完了某事

(4) happen to sb. / sth .发生

(5) It happens that (从句)= 主语+ happen + to do 碰巧…….

(6) As it happens 碰巧;偶然

It happened that I met him on my way home, yesterday. ( 改为同义句)

= I happened to meet him on my way home, yesterday.


7.Set down 放下;记下;登记

Why don’t you set your ideas down on paper?


set down= put down= take down

(1)   set about doing sth.开始做某事

(2)   set off  开始;出发;引爆     set sth.off 使…… 爆炸

(3)   set up 建立;创办

(4)   set sb. a good example 为……树立好榜样

(5)   set fire to 放火烧

(6)   set aside  把 ……放在一边;存储

She ________ the vase on the table and went out.

A. set out  B. set up   C. set down  D. set on

(C. 放下)


6. Hide away 躲藏;隐藏; 把……隐藏起来

He hides my book away somewhere.



hideaway  n. 隐藏处      hide sth. from sb. 把某事瞒着某人


5.walk the dog 遛狗

用法拓展:walk  在此处是及物动词“(使)走”。Walk sb. to exhaustion 使某人走得筋疲力尽;walk a horse  遛马;walk a bicycle 推着自行车走  walk a patient 扶着病人走



(I’ll walk you to the bus stop)

While _________ the dog , you should take care not to __________ .otherwise, it may be dangerous to strangers.

A. walking;; get loose     B. walk; be loose 

C. walking for; get it loose   D. walked; get loosing

(A.  C  项的 get it loose  是正确的;      但walk for  不对。)

