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Positive Thought-A Strong Tool of Success

Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs that arranged a running competition. The  36  was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had  37  around the tower to see the race and  38  on the competitors.

The race began. Honestly, no one in the crowd really  39  that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard  40  such as, “They will  41  make it to the top. Or: Not a chance that they will  42  . The tower is too high!”

The tiny frogs began falling,  43  , except for those, who in fresh tempo (速度) were climbing higher and higher. The crowd  44  to yell (大叫), “It’s too difficult!!! No one will make  45  !” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued higher and higher and higher. This one wouldn’t give up!

At the end,  46  else had given up  47  the tower, except for one tiny frog. After a big  48  , he was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other tiny frogs  49  wanted to know how this frog  50  to do it.

A competitor asked the tiny frog  51  he had found the  52  to succeed and reach the goal. It turned out…that the winner was  53  !!!!

Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be  54  or pessimistic (悲观的) because they take your most  55 dreams and wishes away from you-the ones you have in your heart! You should always be positive and above all be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams!

36. A. dream             B. end              C. result           D. goal

37. A. prepared         B. gathered       C. started        D. hidden

38. A. cheer          B. depend          C. call         D. turn

39. A. doubted         B. hoped         C. believed     D. predicted

40. A. statements     B. lines        C. orders      D congratulations

41. A. finally     B. sometimes        C. always          D. never

42. A. fail           B. succeed         C. fight         D. follow

43. A. one by one        B. hand in hand       C. year after year  D. up and down

44. A. stopped         B. wished         C. continued    D. forgot

45. A. that           B. them         C. one       D. it

46. A. nobody         B. everyone        C. something    D. a few

47. A. climbing         B. building         C. painting     D. examining

48. A. rest           B. decision         C. effort      D. difference

49. A. politely       B. carefully      C. naturally     D. seriously

50. A. pretended        B. tried          C. happened     D. managed

51. A. why          B. how         C. when          D. whether

52. A. strength         B. power        C. secret     D. bravery

53. A. blind          B. disabled         C. dead          D. deaf

54. A. positive     B. negative         C. common    D. active

55. A. interesting     B. dangerous       C. wonderful        D. frightening


35. If we go on using energy so wastefully, __________ are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil.

A. chances       B. opportunities       C. questions          D. problems


34.- They are quiet, aren’t they?

  - Yes. They are accustomed ______ at meals.

A. to talk     B. to not talk    C. to talking   D. to not talking


33. The number of road accidents and the deaths _______ those accidents______ greatly over the past year.

A. arose from; increased           B. resulting from; has increased

C. arising from; increased           D. resulted from; has increased


32. Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of _____ introduced the idea in 1953 _____ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.

A. them; when  B. which; that  C. what; that   D. which; when


31. I strongly recommend that the information______ in my report ____ to our headmaster without delay.

  A. to be referred to; to be e-mailed    B. referring to; e-mail

  C. referred to; be e-mailed       D. being referred to; being e-mailed


30. It was too dark, and I couldn’t _______ the words written on the blackboard.

  A. look at       B. turn up      C. decide on     D. make out


29. ______ impressed the audience most was ______ the magician Liu Qian played in this year's Spring Gala.

A. What; what      B. What; that   C. That; what    D. That; that                


28. Lin Xi, a Chinese in Berlin, went to the World Championships in Athleties,    she saw China’s Bai Xue win the gold medal.

A.where        B.when        C.who            D.which


27. This middle school is ______ to a teachers' college.

A. attached    B. attracted        C. attacked     D. attempted

