0  270843  270851  270857  270861  270867  270869  270873  270879  270881  270887  270893  270897  270899  270903  270909  270911  270917  270921  270923  270927  270929  270933  270935  270937  270938  270939  270941  270942  270943  270945  270947  270951  270953  270957  270959  270963  270969  270971  270977  270981  270983  270987  270993  270999  271001  271007  271011  271013  271019  271023  271029  271037  447090 

24.A.wonder     B.doubt       C.use     D.problem


23.A.disappeared   B.arrived      C.escaped   D.charged


22.A.looked     B.tested      C.tasted    D.checked


21.A.hurriedly    B.secretly      C.gladly    D.greedily


20.A.preparation   B.wave       C.quality    D.pleasure


19.A.decorated    B.furnished     C.balanced   D.measured


18.A.fill       B.destroy      C.furnish    D.evaluated


17.A.introduced    B.distinguished   C.imagined   D.instructed


16.A.problem     B.aspect      C.situation   D.appearance


70. A. safe              B. dangerous         C. important         D. useful


Passage 26


Chinese people think a lot about food.In fact,I think that they are sometimes obsessed(痴迷) with it.My first experience of this  16  of Chinese culture came at a banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1998.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have  17  how fabulous(丰盛的)a real Chinese banquet could be.The first six or seven dishes seemed to  18  the table, with plates dangerously  19  one on top of another.I thought this vast   20  of food was the total number of dishes to be served,and I started eating   21  .Everyone else just  22  a bit of each dish and then put their chopsticks down,continuing to chat.“They can't have very big appetites,” I thought.

To my surprise,more dishes  23  ,plus soups,side dishes,and desserts.There was enough to feed a whole army.No  24  my fellow guests had had only a few  25  of each dish;they knew what was still to come.But I was already so  26  that I could only   27  as the banquet continued.

Another aspect of“food culture”is that the Chinese seem to eat almost every part of every animal--much to the   28   of many westerners.Stomach,ears,tongue,tail,hoof and lungs are all likely to   29   on the dinner table in front of you.The first time I saw a three-year-old kid  30   chewing a chicken's head I had bad dreams for weeks.

These days I enjoy that sort of food myself. 31  ,there are other kinds of foods that have taken longer for me to  32  .The infamous(臭名昭著的) choudoufu is a(n)  33  .(The name says it all:“stinky tofu”.) Just when I got used to it,  I found another  34  on a trip to Hunan:deep-fried choudoufu,a horrible black substance that looked and   35  about as appetizing as a burnt tennis shoe.Maybe I'll get used to that, too-some day.

