0  270847  270855  270861  270865  270871  270873  270877  270883  270885  270891  270897  270901  270903  270907  270913  270915  270921  270925  270927  270931  270933  270937  270939  270941  270942  270943  270945  270946  270947  270949  270951  270955  270957  270961  270963  270967  270973  270975  270981  270985  270987  270991  270997  271003  271005  271011  271015  271017  271023  271027  271033  271041  447090 

44.A.late        B.later           C.lately          D.latter


43.A.its         B.which         C.where         D.that


42.A.but        B.and           C.however        D.although


41.A.all         B.most          C.few           D.much


40.A.likely       B.as            C.while          D.when


39.A.content     B.get            C.contain         D.include


38.A.well       B.good          C.better          D.best


37.A.value       B.worth          C.importance      D.expense


36.A.different from   B.similar to    C.better than      D.worse than


55.A.just           B.only           C.still           D.yet

答案  36-40 CDDBA  41-45 CABAA  46-50 ACCDB   51-55  ABACA

Passage 28


American cities are   36   other cities around the world. In every country, cities show the  37   of the culture. Cities contain the very  38   aspect(方面) of a society: opportunities for education, employment and so on. They also  39   the very worst parts of a society. Now American cities are changing, just  40   American society.  After World War Ⅱ, the population of  41   large American cities became smaller;  42   , the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Huston are cities  43   population increased. That people come into and out of the city shows the changing value of American society. During this time, in the  44   1940s, the people of the city became wealthier and they had more children. They need more  45 . They moved out to buy their own homes. They bought houses  46   the city, areas near a city where people live and there are not many offices or factories. During 1950s the American "dream" was to have a house outside the city. Now things are changing. The children of the people who  47   the cities in the 1950s are now adults. They  48   their parents want to live in the cities.  49   continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt. Cities are becoming  50   and the population is increasing in  51   states as Texas, Florida and Californian.  52   are moving to more established cities, such as Boston and Chicago. Many young doctors, lawyers and bosses are moving back into the city. They prefer the city  53   the outside of it, because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the oil shortage; or they just  54   the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the cities-a wealthier and  55  mobile class.

