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67. He was frightened a lot by a     (无防备的) noise.  


66. Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to     (着手处理) it. 


5. aloud  A. courage  B. route  C. curious  D. south

第二节 补全对话 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


-- Oh, hello Sandy. I thought you’d never come!

-- Hi! Sorry I’m so late. We had a meeting. Oh, it’s all so awful there now!

-- Well, leave then!  61   And it’s not as if they paid you that well either!

-- Oh, it’s not just that. It’s all these stupid cuts. Do you know what? They’re going to shut the canteen(餐厅) in the morning and afternoon so we can’t get tea or coffee there. We have to get it from the machines! They say they’ll save money if they don’t have to have staff on duty in the canteen all the time.

-- Well…that’s quite true. They will.

--  62   We’ll have to drink our coffee in the corridor(走廊)!

-- Mm. But lots of places have that system now.

-- Well, I don’t think it’s worth it. And now they’re being mean(吝啬) about the heating too. They’re not going to turn it on till the first of October and they’re going to switch it off on the first of April. And they’re only going to have it at 66 degrees. I mean, what if it’s a long hard winter like last year.  63   We’ll have a strike. It’s awful trying to work when you’re cold!

-- But they’ve got to save money somehow, Sandy. They…

-- Look! There are hundreds of better ways of saving money. Do you know, if I wanted to make cuts, I’d stop all those expense account lunches at Mama Roma’s. And I’d make the management staff come in before 10 o’clock!

--  64 

-- Mm, I think I will. But they never listen to us junior staff. Honestly, if I could find a better job, I’d leave tomorrow.

-- Would you really, Sandy?

-- Yes, I would.

-- Look, don’t worry, Sandy. It’s not that bad.  65 

A. If it is, no one will come in.

B. How do you find your present job?

C. I’d never stay in a job if I hated it.

D. It’s happening to every large company now, even us!

E. Well, I’d raise the whole thing at a union meeting if I were you.

F. In fact, all the bosses are the same.

G. Yes, but if they shut it we won’t have anywhere to sit down and chat.

第三节  单词拼写(10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)



4. design  A. fantasy  B. pulse  C. observe  D. taste


3. within  A. theory  B. bathe  C. truthful  D. strength


2. urban  A. purchase  B. stranger  C. regular  D. ensure


1. blanket  A. apartment  B. media  C. relate  D. prevention



①c(Cl-)>c(NH4+)>c(H+)>c(OH-)      ②c(Cl-)>c(NH4+)>c(OH-)>c(H+)

③c(NH4+)>c(Cl-)>c(OH-)>c(H+)      ④c(Cl-)>c(H+)>c(NH4+)>c(OH-)

(1)上述关系一定不正确的是        (填序号)

(2)若溶液中只有一种溶质,则该溶质为       ,该溶液中离子浓度的大小关系为      ______________________(填序号)


(4)若四种离子浓度关系有c(NH4+)=c(Cl-),则该溶液显       (填“酸性”、“碱性”、“中性”)。



(1)(5分)对于下列反应:2SO2 + O2   2SO3 , 如果2min内SO2的浓度由6 mol/L下降为2 mol/L,那么,用SO2浓度变化来表示的化学反应速率为____________,用O2浓度变化来表示的反应速率为_____________。如果开始时SO2浓度为4mol/L,2min后反应达平衡,若这段时间内v(O2)为0.5mol/(L·min),那么2min时SO2的浓度为_______   ______。

(2)(5分)下图左表示在密闭容器中反应:2SO2+O22SO3+Q达到平衡时,由于条件改变而引起反应速度和化学平衡的变化情况,a b过程中改变的条件可能是      ;b c过程中改变的条件可能是        ; 若增大压强时,反应速度变化情况画在c~d处.






16.(15分)(1)AgNO3的水溶液呈               (填“酸”、“中”、“碱”)性,实验室在配制AgNO3的溶液时,常将AgNO3固体先           ,然后再             ,以抑制其水解。

(2)氯化铝水溶液呈         性,原因是:                           _______



在配制硫化钠溶液时可以加入少量的               以抑制其水解。

