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Americans eat ________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice

B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as

D. more than twice as many

答案  D



On the contrary, I think it is John, _________ you, _________ to blame.

A. more than; are                  B. less than; who are

C. rather than; is               D. rather than; that is

答案  D



My family ____ all fond of singing English songs and we can sing _____ than others.

A. is, many more    B. are, many more   C. is, much more    D. are, much more

答案  B



Britain ______ many other industrialized countries, _______ major changes over the last 100 years.

A. together with; have experienced       B. as well as; have experienced

C. in common with; has experienced      D. instead of; has experienced

答案  C



I thought things would get better, but ______ they are getting worse.

A. as it were          B. as it was          C. as it is            D. as is it

答案  C



What the science teacher does and says ____ of great importance to college students.

A. was           B. are           C. is           D. were

答案  C



--- It is said that the number of Chinese characters you can type on your mobile phone is

____the total number of Chinese characters.

--- I know. That is because the character input systems are made by foreign cell phone producers.

A. much than 25 percent                   B. 25 percent as less as

C. 25 percent less than                    D. 25 percent as much

答案  C



--- Several department stores, including the one we usually go to, _____ sidewalk sales this week.

--- Let’s go and have a look.

A. is having       B. are having      C. has        D. have had

答案  B


11.(山西省平遥中学2009年 9月高三高补摸底考试)

---What does the model plane look like?

---Well, the wings of the plane are ____ of its body.

A. more than the length twice           B. twice more than the length

C. more than twice the length            D. more twice than the length

答案  C



____ of the Russian students, teachers and parents was over 1,000; and ____ of them were killed unfortunately.

A. The number; the number               B. The number; a number

C. A number; half                      D. A number; three quarters

答案  B

