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26.Hardly     the airport when we realized we had left our passports at the hotel.

A.had we reached               B.we had reached

C.did we reach                 D.we reached


25.Mr.Smith was laid off, which I suppose    something to do with the widespread financial crisis.

A.may have had                B.couldn’t have had

C.should have had               D.needn’t have had


24.-Why are you always yawning, Kathy?

   -I     all night reading Harry Potter. That’s a fantanstic book!

A.stayed up     B.am staying up C.stay up       D.will stay up


23.That young lady was very    about her scar and thought that everyone in the hall was staring at her.

A.curious       B.careful       C.sensitive      D.particular


22.I haven’t got     clear idea of what job he does, but now he is    different

John Smith from what he was three years ago.

A.不填;a       B.a; a          C.a; 不填      D.the; 不填


第二节(共15 小题,每校题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What was the man doing when he met Paul?

A.He was queuing for the bus.

B.He was waiting in the checkout line.

C.He was working in the supermarket.

7.Why did Paul change his gob?

A.He was tired of his old job.

B.He felt it uninteresting to travel around.

C.He had to look after his family.

8.What is the painful choice the woman mentinons?

A.Career or family.

B.Career or heealth.

C.Family or friends.


9.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student’s parent.            B.Boss and worker.

C.Mother and son.

10.Why was Billy absent for checking eyes that day most probably according to the


A.He was afraid of his father.

B.He was afraid of being checked his eyes.

C.He didn’t want to see his teacher.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Billy is in the fifth grade.

B.Billy’s father knows little about his sons. 

C.Billy’s brothers do well at school.


12.What day is it today?

A.Thursday.            B.Friday.              C.Saturday.

13.What did the children do to the dog?

A.They covered it with feathers.

B.They gave it a bath.

C.They hurt it.

14.What was the worst thing for the woman yesterday?

A.She forgot that she had invited her boss and his wife over.

B.She has forgotten to cook dinner for her husband.

C.Her boss and his wife came to he house unexpectedly.


15.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore.        B.In a library.        C.In a dormitory.

16.Which class are the man and the woman taking together?

A.English.             B.Biology.

C.Introduction to British Literature.

17.What does the man think of Professor Robert?

A.He is an awful man.

B.He is willing to listen to his students.

C.He is a humorous peofessor.


18.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Places where people go and have a great time.

B.Places where people go and learn knowledge.

C.Places where people go and shop around.

19.Where should they go if someone enjoys indoor activities?

A.In a classical Suzhou graden.

B.In Hyde Park.

C.In World Waterpark.

20.Which of the following satements is not true according to the talk?

A.It is safe to take adventures in Disneyland in California.

B.People may get very excited in World Waterpark in Canada.

C.There are mountains, forest and springs in Suzhou Garden.




1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a museum.         B.In a hospital.          C.In an office.

2.When did the woman and Anna meet?

A.At 7:53.             B.At 7:57.              C.At 7:58.

3.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.

B.The man has already returned the tools to the woman.

C.The man hates to lend his tools to other people.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t have enough time for the meal at all.

B.She doesn’t want to have a meal with the man.

C.She doesn’t know if she can have a meal with the man tomorrow.

5.What will the woman do?

A.Live in another another city.

B.Take a vavation.

C.Change her job.








解析 该题主要考查读图获取信息、调运知识解决现实问题的能力。第(1)题,结合甲、








答案 (1)甲、乙角速度相等,线速度甲大于乙,S既无角速度,也无线速度。





