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67. Not everyone can understand Einstein’s ______ of Relativity.       67. ___________



66. The moon can never be anything more than a s__________

of the earth.                                         66. ______________


第三节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Roger Scott worked as a salesman in a big store. Like a lot of __21__ young people, he did not __22__ his job very much. One day he __23__ in the canteen (小卖部) of the store with his girl friend, Anne Davis. She worked there, too. "I'm going to find another job as soon as I __24__," He said. "The pay isn't very good __25__ the work is not very interesting, either. The problem __26__ it is that I have to take orders from people like Mr. Kean!" Mr. Kean was the manager of the store. Everybody was __27__ afraid of him. He often walked around the store and always got very angry if he saw __28__ who was not working. Sometimes there was really __29__work to do but people still __30__ to look busy.

While Roger was talking, Anne looked up and saw Mr. Kean __31__ into the canteen. Roger was sitting near the door and Mr. Kean was __32__ him. He could hear every __33__ Roger was saying. Anne did not know __34__ to do.

"I don't think Mr. Kean is even a very good __35__," Roger Scott continued loudly. "__36__ a man is a good manager, the people who work for him like the work. I'm __37__ everyone here hates him! __38__ I do!"

Anne saw Mr. Kean come __39__. There was a very __40__ look on his face.

21. A. other          B. others        C. an other          D. another

22. A. like      B. think      C. want       D. hate

23. A. had sat      B. was sitting    C. did sit       D. has sat

24. A. can      B. possible     C. may       D. must

25. A. and      B. but      C. or          D. yet

26. A. over      B. to       C. about       D. with

27. A. a few      B. some     C. a bit      D. lots

28. A. someone     B. people      C. nobody       D. person

29. A. not       B. no      C. without       D. having

30. A. felt      B. started  C. tried         D. looked

31. A. comes     B. come       C. to come     D. has come

32. A. before     B. back      C. behind     D. beside

33. A. word      B. letter      C. voice      D. news

34. A. which    B. how         C. when      D. what

35. A. man        B. worker     C. salesman      D. manager

36. A. Although     B. Even    C. If      D. Because

37. A. sure      B. glad     C. angry       D. surprised

38. A. At most      B. By the way     C. As a result of     D. At least

39. A. suddenly     B. finally     C. closer      D. over

40. A. happy       B. same         C. angry          D. good

