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21.It was with great joy     he received the news     on December 19,07 Lee Myung-Bak was elected President of South Korea.

   A.because;which     B.which;that       C.since;with       D.that;that

  答案  D


20.In no city of China    little about the economic development.

  A.the government cares              B.does the government care

  C.doesn’t the government care          D.the government doesn’t care

  答案  B


19.      learning English,listening,speaking,reading,and writing      the four basic skills.

  A.In;are          B.On;is         C.For;is         D.To;are

  答案  A


18.Was it near the building, if I may ask,      Martin Luther King gave the speech I have a dream?

   A.where           B.which          C.that           D.when

  答案  C


17.This couple have strange habits.He likes to sleep with the lamp    at night and his wife with

  the window    .

  A.burning;wide open    B.burnt;widely opened  C.burnt;wide open    D.burning;widely open

  答案  A


16.   in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

  A.What is required    B.What requires     C.It is required     D.It requires

  答案  C


15.   we have achieved in the protection of the environment,we still have a long way to go.

  A.Much as         B.As much        C.Though much      D.Much

  答案  A


14.-Believe it or not,Wang Peng,the naughtiest boy in our class,has been admitted into Tsingdao


 -Never      he could achieve so much success.

  A.I had thought      B.I would have thought  C.could I have thought  D.will I have thought

  答案  C


13.Was it not until you began to work    how much time you had wasted?

  A.did you realize                   B.that you realized  

  C.did you not realize                  D.that you didn’t realize

  答案  B


12.-What a beautiful picture!

  -It’s years     I painted a picture as beautiful as this one.

  A.that          B.since         C.before         D.when

  答案  C

