0  271246  271254  271260  271264  271270  271272  271276  271282  271284  271290  271296  271300  271302  271306  271312  271314  271320  271324  271326  271330  271332  271336  271338  271340  271341  271342  271344  271345  271346  271348  271350  271354  271356  271360  271362  271366  271372  271374  271380  271384  271386  271390  271396  271402  271404  271410  271414  271416  271422  271426  271432  271440  447090 

15. The parents seemed satisfied with the news __________ their son had been employed by a large company.

A. what  B. which  C. that  D. when


14. We have overlooked the fact __________ the children’s emotional development may be easily damaged.

A. which  B. that  C. what  D. 不填


13. In Mark’s speech, he made the point __________ far more people died from smoking than from taking drugs.

A. where  B. what  C. which  D. that


12. It is already well understood___________ causes the global warming.

A. what  B. when  C. how  D. that


11. ___________we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If  B. Whether  C. Where  D. That


10. _________he said at the meeting astonished everybody.

A. It  B. That  C. What  D. The fact


9. Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That’s __________the problem was.

A. why  B. where  C. that  D. how


8. -----Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?

  -----Oh, that is ____________.

A. how I feel excited       B. if I feel excited

C. what makes me feel excited   D. why makes me feel excited

