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31. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ______ it comes to classroom tests.

  A. when    B. since    C. before    D. after


30. No sooner ______ started to shine ______ it was clouded over again.

  A. the sun had; than  B. had the sun; than  C. had the sun; when  D. the sun had; when


29. Many teenagers in China are accustomed to ______ after, ______ for granted everything their parents do.

  A. being looked; taking  B. looked; taking  C. being looked; took  D. looking; taking


28. It ______ to be seen whether Yao Ming will be fit enough to play in the new season.

  A. stays    B. keeps    C. appears    D. remains


27. Premier Wen Jiabao started his three-day official visit to South Korea, ______ was aimed at increasing cooperation and good neighborliness.

  A. that     B. where    C. which     D. as


26. As the Internet is ______ popularity, more and more students ______ knowledge from various websites on it.

  A. gaining; acquire  B. winning; earn  C. earning; gain  D. acquiring; win


25. Mr. Zhao finally ______ innocent after in prison for 10 years, and soon he was set free and got compensation for the wrong done to him.

  A. proved     B. was proved     C. proves     D. has been proved


24. ---Many people make a / an ______ that the housing price will remain high or even go up.

  ---No wonder some queue up day and night for an order.

  A. acquaintance   B. assumption   C. comparison   D. consideration


23. To ______ traffic congestion in developing countries, public vehicles should be prior to other ______ of transportation.

  A. reduce; tools   B. decrease; types   C. relieve; means   D. release; methods 


22. Each contestant of the English Talent Competition is allowed 90 seconds to make an introduction to themselves ______.

  A. in need      B. in addition    C. in advance   D. in brief

