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58.People could not forget Tai Lihua because     .

A.she was born mute and deaf and good at dancing

B.she used her mind more than the others and could use dance to express what she thought about life

C.she has been to many countries and now lives a happy life

D.though mute and deaf, she is beautiful and hard working and good at dancing


57.Which is the right order of the events to Tai Lihua?

a.She danced during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

b.She was a healthy girl.

c.She began to learn to dance.

d.She lost her hearing.

e.She went to a school for deaf and mute children.

f.She couldn’t speak.

g.She found she was different from the others.

A.abdfgce          B.badfegc          C.bdfegca          D.bdfgeca


56.From the passage we know    .

A.Tai Lihua was found deaf and mute by her father when she played a game with her classmates

B.Tai Lihua danced very well at the beginning of learning to dance

C.Tai Lihua never gave up when she was in trouble

D.Tai Lihua’s parents didn’t take good care of her


70.What would be the best title for the passage?

    A.Work for free

    B.Get experience, anyway you can

    C.Experience ---the most important thing

D.How Fred became successful

答案  68.D  69.C  70.B

Passage 7


Many people could not forget the buautiful dance during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. The dance was performed by 20 disabled girls. They can’t hear or speak. But their performance is remembered by many people. The leading dancer of the dance is Tai Lihua. She is 28 years old. She is very beautiful.

Tai Lihua was born healthy. When she was two years old, she lost her hearing because of a fever. Not long after that, she became mute, too. From then on, her world was silent. But she didn’t know this at first. At five years old, when she played a game about sounds with her schoolmates she discovered that she was different from the others. She was very sad about it. Her father went to many places to look for best treatments for her illness. But nothing worked. When she was seven years old, she went to a school for deaf and mute children. In that school, she did well in her studies. Her teacher said she used her mind more than the others and was good at expressing her feeling through dance. She also began to love dance. She thought she could use dance to express what she  thought about life.

When she was 15 years old, she began to learn to dance. At first, she couldn’t dance well. But she didn’t stop. She worked harder than the others. She also spent more time learning. Her efforts made her a very good dancer. She has been to many countries to perform and many foreigners like her style. She now lives a happy life with her family.


69.Fred offer to work for the drugstore without pay, because_________.

    A.he wanted to show his ability

    B.he thought he would be employed by the drugstore later.

    C.he intended to gain some experience.

    D.he couldn’t find a job in other companies


68.From the passage, we can infer_________.

    A.Fred is very good at doing business.

    B.After working for a number of advertising agencies, Fred opened his own photography


    C.Fred can only make a living by drawing

    D.People with some working experience can have more chance to find a job.


67.From the story, we can see Dickens’ attitude towards an easy life is ______.

    A.to enjoy it               B.to hate it

    C.not to indulge in (沉湎于) it     D.to work hard for it

答案  64.A  65.D  66.A  67.C

Passage 6


Fred Marzocchi grew up with dreams of drawing for a living.“There aren’t many ways to make a living with your sketchbook(写生册), but advertising was one of them.”

    After a few hopeless attempts to find a job, Fred became desperate for experience.He found a large drugstore chain with an in-house advertising unit and offered to work for literally nothing.They took him up on the offer, and within weeks not only had he gained professional experience, but the drugstore decided to pay him for his efforts.

    After working for a number or advertising agencies, Fred went on to open his own graphics design and photography business.He often looks back on the offer to work without pay.“I just needed a chance, a start in this business, and I haven’t had to work for free since,” he says with a smile.

    College students who served in internships(实习) were 15 percent more likely to find employment after graduation, and 70 percent believed they were better prepared for the workplace because of their internship experience.


66.How did Dickens see his childhood?

    A.He felt grateful for it.

    B.He felt it a pity that things weren’t in his favor.

    C.He loved writing about it.

    D.He chose to forget the bitterness about it.


65.The phrase “shades of” in bold means “_____”.

    A.various shapes of              B.situations of

    C.different experiences             D.reminders of


64.The book that called public attention to Dickens was ______.

    A.the Pickwick Papers              B.Oliver Twist

    C.Tale of Two Cities            D.David Copperfield

