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35. _______ Tom, we wouldn’t have been late for the last bus.

A. If we didn’t wait for        

B. If we haven’t waited for

C. we hadn’t waited for        

D. Had we not waited for


34. The twin brothers stand under the tree, ______ and say nothing.

A. puzzled               B. puzzling      

C. being puzzling           D. being puzzled


33. ________ that I was puzzled.

A. So difficult a question did he ask me

B. Such difficult a question did he ask me

C. Such a difficult question he asked me

D. He asked me a so difficult question


32. The factory, including its machines and buildings, ______ burnt to ashes during the fire.

A. is                   B. are          

C. was                  D. were


31. – Are you cleaning my room?

– I can’t help _____. I can’t bear seeing people’s room in a mess!

A. it                     B. this         

C. anything               D. so

