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26. ----Honey, let’s go out for dinner.

  -----     I don’t have to cook.

A. Forgot it!         B. That’s great!        C. Why?            D. Go ahead!


21. 答案D




21. You     park here! It’s an emergency exit.

A. wouldn’t          B. needn’t           C. couldn’t           D. mustn’t


21. -I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors?


A.Yes, please     B.No, I don’t   C. Yes, sure      D. No, not at all



解析:考查交际用语。Would you please do…. ?是一个表示请求的句型,对该句型的回答,肯定同意

Sure. /Certainly. /Of course. / By all means. / Yes, do please. / Here you are. / Help yourself. (可以/当然/拿去/请便。)否定I’m afraid…    (我恐怕……)I’m sorry, but…  (对不起,但是……)I’m sorry you can’t. /You’d better not.     (很抱歉,不行。/你最好别这样。)显然,只有Yes,sure符合语境。



18. -Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular today?

  ---_________We’re just looking.

A.   Yes please   B. No, thank you   C. Yes ,you can   D. No, you needn’t





6.--Is it all right if I keep this photo?


A. No . you don’t   B. No. it shouldn’t  C. I’m afraid not  D. Don’t keep it




25. What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?

       . But we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match. .    

  A. Have a nice time.  B. Pardon me     C. That’s great    D. You are right

C. [解析]考查交际用语。Have a nice time:祝你玩的高兴;pardon me:原谅我;that’s great:那太好了;you are right:你说的对。由问句中的shall we. . . ?可知表示征求意见,由此情景可知此处选C。



13. –What’s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.  

  --______ . It must be the window-cleaner working, next door.     

A. I’m not sure  B. I hope not   C. I’d rather not   D. I don’t think so

D. [解析]考查交际用语。A项意思是:我不确信;B项意思是:我希望不会;C项意思是:我宁愿不;D项意思是:我认为不会。根据应答句的后一分句意思可知所填部分表示对前一人的观点的否定,故选D。


27. -Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?

-_________. Ours is much stronger than theirs.

A. Of course   B. It depends   C. Don’t mention it   D. By no means

选D. by no means 表示绝不  It depends.  表示看情况而定.



   根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. 选项中有两个为多余选项

Jerry:  Hi , Mike. Look like you’ve got some sun.

Mike: I guess so. I spent the weekend on the beach.

Jerry: Really? That sounds exciting. __6__      (C)

Mike: At my friend’s house . He invited me to stay there for as long as I wanted.

Jerry: __7__          (G )

Mike: Oh, I have a paper to work on.

Jerry: _8__ I mean besides lying out in the sun.    ( E )

Mike: I play some volleyball. I never realized how hard it is to run on sand.

Jerry: _9__ Did you go swimming?      ( B )

Mike: I intended to. __10__So I just went fishing.      ( F )

Jerry: All sounds so relaxing.

A. What a pity!            B. It must be cool.

C. Where did you stay?         D. But how did you get there?

E. So what else did you do out there?   F. But the water wasn’t warm enough

G. Then why not stay there for a longer time?

1-10  A  C   D   B   A   C   G   E   B   F


35. Was he sorry for what he’d done ?

A. No wonder    B. Well done   C. Not really  D. Go ahead

35题  答案:C



解答:此题考察情景交际。no wonder“不足为奇”,well done译为“做得好”,not really译为“事实上没有”, “Go ahead”译为“做吧”。根据句意选择C。


