0  274444  274452  274458  274462  274468  274470  274474  274480  274482  274488  274494  274498  274500  274504  274510  274512  274518  274522  274524  274528  274530  274534  274536  274538  274539  274540  274542  274543  274544  274546  274548  274552  274554  274558  274560  274564  274570  274572  274578  274582  274584  274588  274594  274600  274602  274608  274612  274614  274620  274624  274630  274638  447090 

30. The football players have spent dozens of days in the military camp with the soldiers,

    has an effect on them.

A. that    B. who     C. which    D. what


29. Look. There is a car coming fast    the other direction.

A. in     B. from     C. to      D. on


28. - Have you finished your homework already?

 - Yes, I    it in half an hour.

A. have finished     B. finished    C. will finish    D. had finished


27. - Hello, can I speak to Frank?

- I'm sorry, he's just left home. He    reach his office by 9:30.

A. can     B. need     C. shall       D. should


26.     great fun it is to have a cold drink on a hot day!

A. How     B. How a    C. What      D. What a


25. - Yao Ming played wonderfully in the first game of the series against the Lakers.

   -    , and    .

A. So did he; so did Cobe      B. So did he; so Cobe did

C. So he did; so Cobe did      D. So he did; so did Cobe.


24. The great fire burned down    about 100 buildings.

A. as many as       B. as much as 

C. so many as       D. so much as


23. How much has their company    this year?

A. brought in    B. brought down   C. come about   D. made in


22. - What question did the teacher ask just now?

  - She asked how well this material    electricity or heat.

A. leads      B. conducts     C. flows      D. takes





21.     Mid Autumn Day of this year falls on    Saturday.

A. The, ×      B. ×, the       C. The, a     D. ×, a

