0  274928  274936  274942  274946  274952  274954  274958  274964  274966  274972  274978  274982  274984  274988  274994  274996  275002  275006  275008  275012  275014  275018  275020  275022  275023  275024  275026  275027  275028  275030  275032  275036  275038  275042  275044  275048  275054  275056  275062  275066  275068  275072  275078  275084  275086  275092  275096  275098  275104  275108  275114  275122  447090 

2. 2004年雅典奥运会,以12秒91夺得金牌并平世界纪录。





Maybe no one would regard himself as foolish. But please look at what the man is doing in the picture: He is cutting down an old tree just to get the ball on the tree for his children, if so, how can we admit that he is wise?

Just like somebody abandons a watermelon but wants a piece of sesame, there are many phenomena which we can’t understand in society.

For example, a person who strives for power and wealth at all costs, would rather lose his happiness, friendship and even his conscience. Factories strive for profit at the cost of polluting environment. Wars between countries ignore people’s lives. All these phenomena are really imperious to reason, but they can be called one

name–strive for little profit at a dear cost. Therefore, when we are going to do something, we should count the cost and find the wisest method.

Passage 39



参考词汇:简历resume;  毕业证书diploma



Women and Men Should be Equal

A young woman comes to a company to apply for a job. She takes her resume and diploma in her hands. Seeing her, the man in charge of the personnel branch(人事部门) says disappointedly, “A female again.” The picture does not describe a special case. Such is quite common. Women are still looked down upon in society. A great number of men still hold that women are inferior to men. Women can not be equal with men. I don’t think so.

First, men and women are born equal. Women are certainly as talented as men if they are given equal opportunities of education. Indeed, in the modern world, women are playing a very important role in society. Women are working side by side and compete with men in almost all fields and contribute a lot to the society. Furthermore, there are two sex groups, namely, men and women. Our human society could not have existed or advanced without either of them. Since men and women are equal by nature, men and women are equal important roles in all human activities; either is necessary to the society. Women should not be treated as an inferior sex; they should be on an equal footing(处于平等地位) with men and they should enjoy the same treatment as men.

Above all, women and men should be equal.

Passage 40




    参考词汇:沼气marsh gas


Last weekend, I, together with my parents, went to visit a mountain village in a suburb of Beijing.

Last weekend, I, together with my parents, went to visit a mountain village in a suburb of Beijing.

Hardly had I got off the bus when I was greatly shocked to see all the changes. It was far better than I had expected. Now every family can drink fresh running water. The villagers don’t have to carry water themselves .Firewood is no longer used for cooking. Marsh gas, a new cheap clean energy, ask it very convenient to cook and light. As all families have color TV sets, they can see plays at home. heir pastimes are enjoyable and colorful. What impressed me most was that the best building in the village is the school, where all children can receive better education.

I believe the mountain village will become an even better place to live in.

Passage 41

(湖北省八校2008 届高三第二次联考)


姓  名:刘翔     

出生时间地点:1983.7.13  上海 

项  目:110米跨栏



Passage 38






4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(  )






3.下列各句中加点的熟语使用错误的一项是(  )






2.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是(  )

A. 巨擘  祛暑   诛心之论   良辰美景

B. 奖掖  盅惑   冲耳不闻   罄竹难书

C. 装璜  藩篱   嘻嘻哈哈    细大不捐

D. 谄媚  遁迹   甘拜下风   残篇断简


1.下列各选项每组词语中加点字的读音全都相同的是(  )

  A.违/执   附别   麻大意/肉复生

  B.当/确    衣/注   德量力/长絜大

C.许/承   碡/忙   呼幺六/曲高寡 

D.一/苏   防/坝   不累黍/强人意 

