0  275633  275641  275647  275651  275657  275659  275663  275669  275671  275677  275683  275687  275689  275693  275699  275701  275707  275711  275713  275717  275719  275723  275725  275727  275728  275729  275731  275732  275733  275735  275737  275741  275743  275747  275749  275753  275759  275761  275767  275771  275773  275777  275783  275789  275791  275797  275801  275803  275809  275813  275819  275827  447090 

39. He’s never seen this film before, _____ he?

    A. isn’t         B. hasn’t            C. is           D. has


38. -I wonder where I could find something about Shanghai Museum.

-Why ______ on the Internet? There is a lot of information about it.

    A. don’t go      B. not to go          C. not going      D. not go


37. There was no bus in that small town. We had ______ walk.

    A. nine miles     B. a nine-mile         C. nine mile’s     D. ninth mile


36. The bowl of fish smells ________. It has gone bad.

  A. nice        B. well             C. strange      D. terribly


35. It was a terrible accident. One passenger was killed, and ____ was badly hurt.

    A. the others     B. the other          C. others         D. the rest


34.  There are few _______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some carrots and cabbages.

    A. fruit         B. vegetables          C. meat         D. eggs


33. The naughty(淘气的) boy sometimes got into his bedroom ________ the window.

    A. over         B. across            C. through       D. out of


32. The calculator on the desk isn’t yours. It belongs to _______.

    A. mine        B. my             C. me          D. myself


31.  ________woman in the red skirt is Alice’s English teacher.

    A. A           B. An               C. The         D. /     


24. Plastic is a ___________ product that is made from a kind of harmful material.

25. Paper, of course, _________ from trees, grass, wood and so on.

26. Plastic bag production gives off (释放)harmful ____________

27. ____________of sea animals die every year after eating plastic bags.

28. In addition, plastic bags are_____________ to recycle(循环).

29. When we go shopping, we’d better take paper bags, cloth bags or ____________baskets.

30. Let’s take action to _____________ plastic bags.

Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法) 

