0  275867  275875  275881  275885  275891  275893  275897  275903  275905  275911  275917  275921  275923  275927  275933  275935  275941  275945  275947  275951  275953  275957  275959  275961  275962  275963  275965  275966  275967  275969  275971  275975  275977  275981  275983  275987  275993  275995  276001  276005  276007  276011  276017  276023  276025  276031  276035  276037  276043  276047  276053  276061  447090 

16. -Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week.

-Sorry, sir, but I was_____ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.

A. held up   B. put up   C. taken up   D. given up


15. The day before yesterday John was dismissed because of his _____ attitude towards his job.

  A. informal   B. casual   C. determined   D. earnest


14. -Did you tell Jimmy that we’ve put off the meeting?

-No. He rushed out _____ I could say anything.

A. in case   B. after   C. before   D. unless


13. -______ I lock the lab before I go home? -Don’t bother. I’ll check it myself later. A. May  B. Must   C. Can    D. Shall


12. Interestingly in some parts of the world, women are expected to earn money _____ men work at home and raise their children.

A. but   B. though  C. because   D. while


11. Leaders of many countries have been trying to _____ what it is that makes China develop so

fast in recent years.

A. carry out   B. figure out   C. watch out   D. make out


10. I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do this evening. _____, I will try every

possible means to come to your birthday party.

  A. Even though   B. If so  C. Anyhow   D. Instead


9. My toothache is killing me. I _____ it _____ away. But now it’s getting worse and worse.

  A. think; is going      B. thought; was going   

C. have thought; is going   D. had thought; had gone


8.---The exam starts at 9:00 tomorrow morning. ---___________ I fail to arrive there on time? A. What if     B. As if  C. Only if    D. Even if


7. _____ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the

world every day.

A. Having opened   B. Opened   C. Opening   D. To open

