0  276813  276821  276827  276831  276837  276839  276843  276849  276851  276857  276863  276867  276869  276873  276879  276881  276887  276891  276893  276897  276899  276903  276905  276907  276908  276909  276911  276912  276913  276915  276917  276921  276923  276927  276929  276933  276939  276941  276947  276951  276953  276957  276963  276969  276971  276977  276981  276983  276989  276993  276999  277007  447090 

30. I got a beautiful bike on ______ birthday. I like it very much.

  A. fifteenth    B. fifteen   C. my fifteen   D. my fifteenth


29. ---Who did English homework better, Leo or Nick?

  ---Leo was more careful. I think Leo did ________ Nick.

  A. as good as   B. as well as    C. better than  D. worse than


28. ---_______ have you been away from your hometown, Janet?

  ---Since 5 years ago.

  A. How many   B. How long   C. How much   D. How often


27. Jane, please turn off the lights ______ you leave the classroom.

  A. after   B. before    C. until    D. but


26. ---Are you good at history, Rose?

  ---_______. But I will try to study it well this term.

  A. That’s all right   B. Not very good   C. No problem   D. Quite well


25. ---Must I clean the room now?

  ---No, you _______. You can do it tomorrow.

  A. mustn’t   B. must   C. needn’t    D. need


24. Last Sunday my aunt ______ at home with me. We were watching TV all day.

A. was   B. were   C. is    D. are


23. ---Alice, is this your dictionary?

  ---Let me see. Oh, no. ______ is in my school bag.

  A. Myself    B. Me    C. My    D. Mine


22. Something is wrong with my ______. I can’t see anything around me.

  A. nose   B. ears    C. eyes    D. mouth



21. There is a picture _____ my family on the wall.

  A. of    B. up   C. after   D. to

