0  277450  277458  277464  277468  277474  277476  277480  277486  277488  277494  277500  277504  277506  277510  277516  277518  277524  277528  277530  277534  277536  277540  277542  277544  277545  277546  277548  277549  277550  277552  277554  277558  277560  277564  277566  277570  277576  277578  277584  277588  277590  277594  277600  277606  277608  277614  277618  277620  277626  277630  277636  277644  447090 

30.Confucius Constitute is a worldwide non profit(非营利的)organization,    the Chinese government set up to popularize(推广)the teaching of Chinese and spread the Chinese culture.

    A.that           B.it            C.one             D.ones

3l.    from a Chinese character meaning people,the mascot(吉祥物)“Haibao” shows the character of Chinese culture.

    A.Created         B.Creating       C.To create         D.Tobe created


29.After the earthquake,the Haitian(海地的)people needed to be helped.

    A.occasionally     B.anxiously       C.practically        D.urgently


28.In Some countries,treatments for A(H1N1)flu were neither    nor effective, and many patients died because of infection.

    A.critical         B.scientific       C.necessary         D.special


27.After many celebrations of China’s 60th birthday,most countries agree that China is not   it used to be and     China will play a more important role in the world.

   A.what;that       B.what;/      C.which;that      D.that;that


26.Can I use the telephone on the table, sir?

一Under no circumstances     the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

   A.anyone is allowed to use             B.anyone is allowed using

   C.is anyone allowed to use            D.is no one allowed using


25.James Cameron’s movie Avatar,set in 2154,     place on a planet called Pandora.

    A.will take        B.will betaken     C.takes            D.is taken


24.Don’t you think it essential that every resident of Nanjing     spare no effort to make contributions to Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games?

    A.should         B.will           C.shall            D.would


23.The expo will be held in Shanghai,     a 1ot of advanced technology will be shown for the first time.

    A.where          B.which         C.when           D.from which


22.一Heard about the TOYOTA Recall?

一Yeah,     the measure,the car company is heavily influenced on its reputation.

   A.without         B.despite        C.besides          D.although


第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.It is reported that l.4 million people took part in   post-graduate entrance exam,   13 percent increase from last year.

    A.a;the         B.the;a         C.a;/             D./;a

