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37. _____ what he can do. He might get a job tomorrow. He might stay out of work for weeks.

A.We didn’t know  B.He doesn’t know  C.There is no knowing  D.It was known that


36. I really can' t understand _________her like that.

A. you treat     B. you to treat     C. why treat      D. you treating


35. ____it with me should be a good choice. Trust me.

A.When left     B. Leaving         C. If you leave    D. Leave


34. _________your receipt to the customer service department and they will pay the money back to you.

A.Having brought   B.Bring     C.Bringing       D.To bring


33.Something extraordinary happened in that hospital. A man, ________clinically dead, suddenly came to life.

A. declaring     B. being declared   C. declared       D. having declared


32. Some people against toll booths (收费站) argue that roads, once ___________, should be free.

A. building     B. built       C. having built     D. being built


31.The two old sisters,_______ so long,held each other and burst into tears.

A.being separated     B.having been separated  C.having separated   D.had been separated


30.The long lasting war, ______ with blood and deaths, ended in people’s sadness, _______ no result.

A.filling;reached      B.filled;to reach     C.filling;would reach D.filled;reaching


29.A new teachnique_________the yields as a whole increased by about 30 percent.

A.had applied    B.having applied    C.to have applied       D.having been applied


28.We hope the building project_________will be completed as soon as possible because a lot of citizens are complaining about the noises.

    A. to be carried out B. carried out     C. being carried out        D. carrying out

